Fair Planning

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Luckily for both of them, one of the body washes they'd gotten from the Aromages had been enchanted to have additional healing properties that would speed up the body's healing process while easing some pain in the moment. They worked like a charm, and after a few days both of them were no longer sore in their arms or back.

"Guess we can give it a good review next time we see them," Judai stated, popping the wash back into its designated place in the storage closet - it was something to use sparingly, after all, as there was no point in using it when they weren't injured in some way.

"I'm just glad I can lift my arms above my head again," Yusei sighed, making Judai chuckle at the memory of the morning right after their flying adventure. Yusei had physically been unable to lift his arms up past his shoulders, which made for a very interesting day and a half where Judai had to keep helping him do things around the apartment; his work was done on the tablet, which slowed down his efficiency but allowed him to be able to at least get something done as he couldn't lift his arms to use his laptop, and he ended up drinking a lot more than he ate during that time period. Eating was a massive hassle when one could shove only shove food into their mouths at the cost of their muscles locking up and complaining with sharp bouts of pain.

It was pretty amusing to Judai when Yusei couldn't exactly hug him either and grumbled under his breath about it while Judai took advantage of having no resistance in the slightest to cuddling all day. All Yusei could do was roll with having an attachment to him, arms wrapped around his upper half, and do his best to work with the tablet in the meantime.

"I don't suppose now would be a good time to bring up that fair idea again, would it?" Judai asked, re-joining Yusei on the bed and bringing a hand up to play with the other's wet hair - he'd just taken a shower, which was why the wash was getting put away in the first place. Already the signature spikes were starting to puff back up into place, which was slightly disappointing since Judai liked being able to see Yusei with his hair completely down - it was rare and it made him look so different from how he usually did, even if nothing else was changed about him.

"That's right, you wanted to go to one," Yusei remembered, eyes closing as Judai started threading his fingers through his hair, "Now's a good time, now that our arms aren't dead and we can actually play the games at one."

"True!" Judai laughed, "So we're still good for it? I was thinking sometime next week, it's up to you though when exactly."

Yusei hummed in thought for a few moments before replying, "I can take an off day in a few days or so, I'm not sure how much I need to get done exactly because there's been some stuff going on with the management... is that okay?"

"Sounds good to me, don't worry about it" Judai smiled, untangling his hand from his hair and quickly wiping the droplets of water off so he could hold the other's hands instead, "That's the middle of the week, too, so it'll be less crowded, which is always a plus nowadays."

"No kidding," Yusei agreed, sharing a laugh and a smile with him before squeezing his hands lightly, "Alright, then if we're going to go out soon I should probably go pull out the laptop and get to it. I'm already starting late today, thanks to a certain someone."

Judai rolled his eyes playfully, moving their hands out of the way so he could flop all of his weight onto Yusei in retaliation, "You like these slow mornings as much as I do. Who was it that pulled me back to bed this morning and whined about it being too cold?"

"Shush, can you really blame me? You're a living heater, remember?"

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