Noticing Little Things

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Yusei found that he appreciated the virtual world a lot more after he'd gone on that spree and learned the basics behind it, and he couldn't help but marvel at the work that went into the game to make it so realistic; Sitting with Judai in some random field on the world map and just enjoying the view of whatever was below, whether it be a town, forest, ocean, or some other random thing, while playing idly around with magic on his fingertips wouldn't be possible otherwise.

"You've got that look on your face again," Judai said, pulling Yusei out of his thoughts. He had a silly grin on when he looked up, one of his cheeks squished by the hand he was leaning on; his smile was infectious and soon enough Yusei found himself smiling as well.

"And what look would that be?" Yusei asked, letting the magic fade out as he leaned back on his hands.

"Like you wanna deconstruct the thing you're lookin' at. You tend to get it whenever you find something that piques your interest," Judai replied, "Like a new gadget or earlier when I was explaining color theory to you."

"I did it then?"

"Yeah, when I showed you the color wheel. You got that same look and started asking all sorts of questions that I couldn't answer 'cause I only know the basics."

"Oh," Yusei blinked, thinking back to it and realizing that he had had the same relative thought process going on then that he usually had whenever he was working with his projects.

"Ah, n-not that it's a bad thing at all!" Judai stated, sitting up straight with a slightly panicked look on his face, "I actually think it's really cool how you can think of all that so fast and from just a little bit of information, and it's really admirable and uh- I- er-"

Yusei raised an eyebrow in amusement and chuckled, "I know, don't worry - and I appreciate the compliment."

Aw, he kind-of wished they weren't in the game right now because Judai's embarrassment wasn't something that happened too often, but he'd take stuttered responses and embarrassed glances away over nothing any day.

"Anyway, uh, we should probably go back to town and turn in the quest," Judai said after a minute, standing up and holding out a hand for Yusei to take, "I wanted to open the new box that came out, remember?"

"Sounds like a plan to me," Yusei smiled, taking the hand and letting himself get pulled up.

They made it back to town relatively quickly and turned in the quest, then started making their way back to the main city because the card shop there was the one that gave away free packs to players at a random chance whenever they bought a box of a set. As they were walking through the shops to get there, though, they took their time (like they usually did) to window-shop.

Judai was the one doing it, but Yusei found it entertaining to watch him get excited over different things, so he didn't mind at all. After a bit though, Judai stopped in thought and turned to look at him questioningly.

"Hey, I just realized something - when's your birthday, Yusei?" Judai asked, "Mine's on August thirty-first."

"My birthday?" Yusei mused, caught off-guard by the sudden question but still making sure to commit 'August thirty-first' to memory, "It's July seventh."

Judai hummed, staring at him for a bit longer before grabbing his hand again and threading their fingers together with a smile and muttering, "Got it, July seventh. July seventh, July seventh..."

"...Please don't do anything too big, I don't really celebrate it that much," Yusei said, sighing when Judai looked at him with wide eyes and a slight pout forming.

...Well, looks like he'd have to plan on not working on his birthday this year like he usually did. Hopefully Judai wouldn't ask him what he did do to celebrate his birthday before, because he knew 'eating a chocolate bar and working' wouldn't go over well with him.

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