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Judai's memory was a bit foggy, but he could remember most of the previous two days well enough to make note of a few important things.

First, it was actually pretty scary to think about how... good he'd felt, during that time period. He's so thankful that Yusei exists and was helping him out because it terrifies him in hindsight, thinking about how vulnerable and easily manipulated he was; Yusei was there though and made sure he was taken care of and didn't wander off on accident, so that was a relief.

Second, speaking of Yusei - Judai wasn't going to ever be able to look a cough drop the same way any more. Just thinking about those mind-numbing kisses was making him feel hot and embarrassed; it was so rare for Yusei to be the one initiating those sorts of steamy make-out sessions, yet he'd turned it into something of an art form. Now he wanted him to do it again so he could remember it clearer, though Judai might have to drop a few subtle hints to get that to happen.

Finally, a third point that he'd need to explore later just in case he was wrong (he'd been half-asleep and dazed at the time), but he swore that that time where he grabbed Yusei with his shadows - something he needed to apologize for, now that he thought about it - that Yusei had tugged on his bound wrists a couple times and blushed a light pink like it was something he was secretly enjoying.

That was just speculation and he could deal with that later, though. For now, he needed to focus on getting better and most of all, convincing Yusei to let him go downstairs.

And Judai thought he was bad when Yusei got sick, what with hiding his laptop and occasionally preventing him from getting up - no, Yusei was being a massive worry-wart and wouldn't let him get up from the bed unless it was to go to the restroom. At least Judai had let Yusei wander around for a little bit to stretch his legs, and go downstairs to hang out for a bit and get a change of scenery.

"Yusei," Judai glared weakly, not really able to get mad at him but still having to deal with his legs, which were aching to be able to walk around and stretch. If this kept up, he'd have to use his shadows again on Yusei, which he didn't want to do at all, "I literally just want to hang out downstairs. There's no reason for me not to be able to, plus staying cooped up in here is starting to feel a bit... suffocating."

Yusei fidgeted, looking away from his stare before sighing and looking back at him, "Fine, just... save your voice, don't talk so much, okay? You still sound horrible, I can't imagine how much your throat hurts when you do."

Judai smiled in victory at those words, hugging Yusei with a nod to show that he would refrain from speaking too much. Before he did that though, he still needed to apologize, so he leaned close and whispered so that he didn't have to speak very loud to be heard, "Thanks. Also, sorry about using my shadows on you, it's a little fuzzy but I remember it."

"Don't worry about it," Yusei reassured him, returning the hug and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before pulling back, "Come on, if you get up and keep your blankets wrapped around you I'll bring down extra pillows. Make sure you don't trip on the stairs going down though."

Judai caught him before he could go too far though, knowing that if he wanted that kiss, he was probably going to have to ask for it and now, before anyone else got home. Yusei gave him a confused look, which he couldn't answer right away because his face was suddenly burning at having to ask for it; with how many times they'd done it before, he figured it shouldn't feel this embarrassing to ask, but there was something very... different about asking.

"C-Could you- um- I want-" Judai stuttered out before just grabbing the bag of cough drops and shoving it into Yusei's chest, giving him what he was sure was a rather pitiful, pleading look, "-please?"

Yusei blinked bewilderingly between him and the bag for a few seconds before something seemed to click, a very small smirk forming on the other's face that made Judai's face flush even more, "Oh, I see. I suppose I could... for a price."

No, Judai thought, knowing what it was going to be and already accepting the fact that he was so desperate for this that he was going to agree.

"That is?"

"Free pass, you-"

"You can have it, just- please, Yusei."

"Pushy," Yusei mused, popping a cough drop in his mouth with a victorious, satisfied smirk and cupping Judai's face gently with a hand; by this point Judai's chest was pounding, that smile and gaze piercing straight through his heart while the room suddenly seemed to heat up a couple degrees.

It was so worth giving up that pass, because it was even better without that sick fogginess clouding his mind.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now