Slow Rainy Evening

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Equipped with hot cocoa and fresh marshmallows, Judai was very comfortable on the couch while listening to the combined clacking of the rain on the roof and Yusei tapping away at his laptop. The content smile on his face wouldn't go away and he felt... calm. Happy.

This slow pace wasn't something he was used to, but he relished its simplicity; at least it was a sentiment everyone in the apartment seemed to share. Whilst Judai was used to traveling and action and always needing to do something, Yusei was used to having to fight for himself or his friends just to keep themselves alive, Jack was used to the fast-paced, constant pressure of being a Duel Monster's champion, and Crow was always taking jobs and dealing with the judgmental stares his criminal markers brought.

And wasn't that something? When Yusei had first explained that the cool yellow mark on his face was actually a criminal tracker with an entire file on him stored inside of it, Judai had wanted to punch someone in the face. They just marked people now?! For wanting to help people and perhaps bring two sides together, he had not only had the tattoo forcefully placed onto him, but it practically made him lower than a lower class citizen. Luckily Yusei was able to get him to calm down after he said people were slowly getting over the prejudice, partially in thanks to Satellite being reconnected to the mainland, but it still pissed Judai off to no end whenever they'd get weird looks when they went out.

Sure, most looks were full of awe and thanks due to Yusei being the Savior of Neo Domino, but it definitely explained the ones that were full of malice and disdain.

Judai shook his head slightly, getting off that train of thought - it wouldn't do to think about it much when there was a peaceful evening to enjoy. Instead he sipped on his drink, happily sucking up a half-dissolved marshmallow off the top of the hot chocolate.

Ah yes, the simple joys in life should be savored... like being able to drink hot chocolate, be warm and cozy on a couch, and be able to study the person you're pretty sure you like as more than a friend all at once. Not just that, but be wearing his jacket and shirt while you're at it, too, which they complimented you for looking good in.

Indeed, Judai was very, very content at the moment. Slow rainy days were truly the best.

...Though really, part of what made it so nice was that both Yubel and Haou had decided to take a nap and therefore weren't present to tease him for staring at Yusei. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Judai took a picture of Yusei and made it his phone background.

A few hours later, Yusei would look over and find Judai fast asleep on the couch and curled up in his jacket. Unable to handle the cuteness anymore, he quickly took a picture and transferred it to his laptop for safe keeping.

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