Flying Details

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"You still tired from yesterday?" Judai asked, watching as Yusei yawned in front of his desktop - it was an actual, full computer he was using this time because of some tests he had to run, and Judai had spent the morning learning about the different parts and how they worked while Yusei put it together. He'd been curious, and it wasn't like Yusei didn't have the time for it, nor did he not want to (in fact, he was quite happy about the interest Judai showed), so an impromptu lesson was underwent.

"A little bit," Yusei answered, glancing over at him with a small smile, "It was a lot of fun, though."

Judai felt immense pride at that, even if it was probably the tenth time he'd heard it from the other - it'd been a small stroke of genius to have everyone's duel monsters materialized to help set up the birthday celebration, and he'd made sure to sound-proof their room with shadows the second he woke up so that none of the noises from downstairs would travel up and give away what they were doing. It not only ensured that they could surprise Yusei, but that the amount of people would still be ultimately small - duel monsters wouldn't really count in the final number because they didn't affect Yusei the same way another human would.

In other words, it's way easier to interact with a duel monster than a human - it was a concept that Judai understood very, very well, and when he'd remembered it just in time to come up with a plan, he'd nearly cheered out-loud in happiness at having figured something so good out.

Speaking of duel monsters, though... Judai had promised Yusei he'd bring him flying. He'd thought about maybe using that as a present, to be honest, but then immediately thought better of it because it was something he'd already promised to do beforehand; using it as a present would feel... cheap and a little rude in his opinion.

"Hey, Yusei," Judai started, getting the other's attention again after a few seconds of typing to finish a line of code, "You feel like flying tonight? The weather's supposed to be pretty nice, it shouldn't be muggy at all."

Yusei tilted his head cutely in confusion for about half a second before his eyes lit up in remembrance, "Oh, that's right. You did say you'd bring me flying." He thought for a few seconds before finally replying, "Sounds good to me, it's a date then."

"A date in the sky, huh?" Judai wondered, chuckling as he thought about it, "Hey wait a minute, I'm going to be doing all the work here! I better be gettin' lots of love up there while I'm carrying you, got it?"

Yusei rolled his eyes with an amused grin, laughing, "Only if I'm not already too busy clinging to you and fearing for my life."

"Nah, you wouldn't," Judai replied, nodding to himself and completely confident in his answer as he teased, "Unless you're not as much of a daredevil as you claim to be? You never did prove that to me like you said you would."

"Ah, so you're pulling that card," Yusei mused, turning back to his computer after flashing a quick smirk at him, "I'll find a way, don't worry about that one. For now though, figure out where you want to go do this, since I'm assuming you don't want to just fly off the roof of this building."

He wasn't wrong, of course - the building was surrounded by city buildings and witnesses, considering their placement not quite at the edge of the city but a bit more inwards, so Judai needed to find a place where they could take off and not be seen immediately. Preferably a park or something that had trees or other such things that would obscure view of them long enough that if someone were to actually see them, they'd already be too far up for that person to make out any defining details at all.

Then again, if worse came to worse, Judai could just hold up a layer of shadows underneath them to blend them into the night. It'd be at the cost of blocking some of their view of the city and land below, but at least it was a sure-fire success plan if all else seemed to fail.

For now though, it was time to research parks and the outskirts of the city to see if Judai could avoid having to do that - saving energy and making the experience the best it could possibly be for Yusei were his main goals, and he set off on his task with determination.

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