VR Exists

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Judai'd been looking for games out of pure curiosity when he stumbled across something amazing.

"Yusei! Why did you never tell me about this?!" Judai yelled, stumbling out of the kitchen where he'd been browsing on his phone. Yusei quickly had a phone shoved in face with a sparkly-eyed Judai right behind it.

"I can't see it if you hold it so close to my face, Judai," Yusei chuckled, pushing the phone away and closing his laptop; he was needing a break anyway.

"There's an entire virtual duel monsters world?! Look at this Yusei! Look at it!" Judai exclaimed, waving the phone around more which didn't help Yusei see the screen better at all. Suddenly he found himself trapped in his seat, Judai's arms on the sides of the chair and his face replacing where the phone was just moments before.

"We're playing it together, you and me," Judai said, the serious expression on his face leaving no room for argument as he shook the chair back and forth for emphasis.

Yusei blinked bewilderingly, eventually nodding his head in agreement, "O-okay? But-"

"No buts, we're doin' this. I'm going to go get two headsets, and then we're going to make accounts and see this place. It's supposed to be really cool bro! You get card of your choice to start off with as your partner, duel monsters are everywhere, and some of the psychic duelist forums I've found say that real duel spirits are able to go there and-"

"Okay okay, I get it. Just how much is it?"

Judai just grinned at him, moving away and releasing Yusei from his chair prison. "Don't worry about that! It's my present to you, I'm the one who wants to play it anyway. Now, did you want to come with me or wait here? It shouldn't take me more than fifteen minutes since it's just the game store a few streets away."

"I'll go with you, who knows what'll happen if you go unsupervised for that long," Yusei replied, a teasing grin forming on his face while he got up to grab his jacket.

Judai pouted, "I'm not that bad... am I?"

Yusei ruffled his hair before flopping Judai's jacket over his head, which only made his hair look even puffier due to the coat's fur-lined hood.

"Of course you're not that bad, but you make yourself easy to tease," he said, raising an eyebrow when Judai suddenly froze and narrowed his eyes for a split second. Moments after, it was like it'd never happened, a bright grin appearing instead in its place.

"Come on, come on, let's go already! I wanna play this so bad!" Judai whined, smile staying in place as he pushed Yusei out the door and into the frosty winter air. It was much colder than usual considering it had started snowing right after the rainy days, so there was snow blanketing the ground everywhere.

"Alright alright, we're going," Yusei said, turning around for a moment to lock the door.

A moment was all that was needed for Judai to gather a snowball or two and throw them straight at Yusei's face the second he turned back around to face him.

Yusei glared at Judai, finally managing to wipe all the cold snow off his face. The older boy was in stitches from laughing so hard, barely managing to stand.

So that was how he wanted to play, huh? Yusei cracked his knuckles, eyes glinting wickedly as he quietly gathered up a snowball of his own.

"Haha! O-oh my gods, Yusei, that'll t-teach you- haha! That's what you get for- AH! Shit, so cold-!"

Two could play that game.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now