Instant Ramen

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Judai stared deadpan at where Yusei was in the kitchen.

Did... did he not know how to cook? Did none of the 3 other people living in this apartment know how to cook? All they ever ate was instant ramen, with sides of coffee, coffee, and... oh, more coffee! Did they even have anything in that fridge of theirs or was it empty?

He didn't know, but after a couple days of staying here he was starting to get sick of the instant ramen. Judai, with his bottomless stomach, was getting sick of a type of food. Even Winged Kuriboh was giving Yusei a judgmental stare from where he was perched on Judai's head.

This called for an intervention. He refused to let Yusei, at the very least, continue on with nothing but instant ramen and cheap coffee. That wasn't healthy in the slightest.

"Wow, haven't seen you this determined since you first made the decision to figure out how to time jump," Yubel stated. Judai felt her amusement in the back of his mind and had to hold back a snort at the comparison.

As if he'd felt his stare, Yusei turned to look at him at that moment and visibly shivered at the glare being sent his way.

"...J-Judai? Is something wrong?" he asked, looking at him with a hint of trepidation.

"Everything's wrong, all you do is eat ramen," Judai said bluntly, his eyebrow starting to twitch slightly, "I love food but even I wouldn't subject myself to that."

"Ramen's cheap though. We don't usually have much money left after paying rent and doing necessary maintenance on our bikes," Yusei replied, relaxing slightly at the topic, but still nervous about the glare Judai was sending him.

So it was a money issue then? Well, Judai could work with that at least.

"Yusei, when's the soonest possible tournament?"

"...I think there's one in a day or two, the sign-ups end soon though."

"Help me sign up for it, right now."


Judai simply pat Yusei on the head and said, "Your misery will end soon, bro. Don't worry."

Yusei was just glad he wasn't being glared at anymore as Judai had switch to glaring at his ramen instead.

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