Duel With Lua

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It took the better part of an hour, but eventually Lua remembered that he'd wanted a duel with Judai and challenged him. Seeing as Judai was currently using his duel disk to keep their duel monsters there, they agreed to just leave out their partners for the match and just have a casual table-top duel on top of the coffee table.

Lua's Morphtronics were an interesting archetype to say the least; Judai hadn't ever encountered an archetype whose entire gimmick revolved around whether each monster was in attack or defense position, so it took him a few moments of thinking to make any moves because he had to remember what each monster's effect was in the moment. Unfortunately for Lua, however, the second he pulled out his ace, Power Tool Dragon, he was quickly defeated.

"That's a pretty cool card," Judai admitted, giving him a grin before placing a card down on the table, "Unfortunately, all those equip cards you just got are getting destroyed, because I play Heavy Storm."

"Awwww! That cards sucks- well, it doesn't suck, but it sucks for me at least..." Lua groaned, moving his entire back row to the graveyard. From the looks of it, Judai had taken out a Mirror Force as well, which was really good for him because that meant he'd basically assured his win.

"And now I play Polymerization to fuse Elemental HERO Avian and Burstinatrix to summon Elemental HERO Wingman! Then I play the field spell Skyscraper, which gives Elemental HERO's a bonus 1000 attack points whenever they attack a monster with more attack points than them."

Lua was quick to pick up on what was about to happen, staring wide-eyed at the spell card, "Aw man, now that's one heck of an effect."

"And because Wingman has less attack points than Power Tool Dragon, he gains 1000 attack points, boosting him up to 3100 attack points. Then his effect activates, dealing damage to you equal to the amount of your destroyed monster... which is more than the amount of life points you have left," Judai continued, before giving him his signature wink and salute, "Gotcha'! Nice duelin', Lua!"

"You too! Darn, you're really strong, aren't you?" Lua replied, getting over the loss quickly and instead focusing on Judai while he gathered up his cards, "Are you a pro or something?"

"Well, I'm working up to it at least. I'm not quite at pro leagues yet-"

Yusei interrupted with a confused look, "Did you not check your records at all since the tournament a week ago? Your rank went up a lot..."

Judai stared blankly at him before scrambling for his phone and opening up the ranking site. Everyone gathered around him curiously on the couch, watching the page load after he searched for his name on the website.

Judai Yuki: 2 Tournaments on Record

Wins/Losses: 23 wins/0 losses

Tournaments Won: 2

Rank: 1672 (Tier 5 Pro)

(NOTE: Rank is determined not only by win/loss ratios but also by officials who have observed their matches. Duelists may be moved up in rank if it is determined that they are at a higher level than the tournaments they have participated in.)

"They already bumped me up to the Pro League?!"

"That's- That's really impressive, Judai," Luka said, Kuribon purring in agreement from her arms, "You've only dueled in two tournaments but you've already been ranked that high. That and you've got a perfect win streak..."

"I don't feel bad at all about losing now! You're amazing!" Lua exclaimed, stars practically forming in his eyes as he gasped in thought, "Are there any videos of your matches? I wanna see! I wanna see!"

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