Hot Chocolate

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Judai yawned as he took off his headset, blinking in confusion for a moment when he heard the pitter-patter of rain on the roof.

"Was it supposed to rain today?" Judai asked, staring out the window curiously before smiling slightly - he rather liked the rain due to the atmosphere it created. Plus, it meant cool weather, so that was always nice.

Actually, now that he thought about it, it'd been a few months since it last rained; he and Yusei hadn't been official the last time it'd rained, as he vividly remembered sitting on the couch and staring at the man appreciatively as he worked while thinking about his feelings for him. He still had the picture he'd taken of him, too.

Immediately, Judai's mind wandered off towards thinking about how to spend the rest of the day, since he hadn't gotten the chance to experience a rainy day with Yusei yet as a couple. It was only just after noon after all, since they'd woken up and Yusei didn't have to do any work today so they just played a bit of DDO to start off the day; their guild hall was looking pretty damn cool at this point and was filled with starry space and galaxy items, with a Stardust Dragon statue and Winged Kuriboh statue situated right in the middle. Surprisingly it hadn't taken very long to farm out the sets they needed to unlock the statues, though Judai partially attributed that to being able to tag-duel through everything - their tag-duel decks were a near-unstoppable combo at this point due to the skill allowance.

"Dunno, didn't look at the forecast," Yusei answered, shaking his head lightly after taking off his own headset and sitting up to stretch, "I was working on the updated blueprints and- well, you get the point. Didn't plan on going out today anyway, so I didn't care about it."

"Poor Crow and Jack, they're stuck out there today," Judai chuckled, looking over at Yusei with a grin, "At least Jack's indoors for an interview, Crow might be forced to work in the middle of the rain for one his repair jobs."

Yusei chuckled at that as well, shooting Judai a smile as he said, "Well, what did you wanna do now?"

Judai hummed for a few moments, going back of the quick mental-list he'd put together about what he wanted to do with Yusei before replying, "Let's get some hot chocolate first."

"Sounds good to me."

When they got to the kitchen and started pulling out the mugs, an accidental opening of the spice cabinet gave Judai a sudden idea, and he turned to Yusei with a grin.

"Ever had spicy hot chocolate?" He asked. Knowing Yusei, he'd definitely want to try it - he loved chocolate and now, as Judai'd discovered after making plenty of spicy dishes for him after that revelation that he'd never had much of them before, spicy food.

"...Spicy hot chocolate?" Yusei blinked, tilting his head in confusion with a slight frown as he tried to imagine it; Judai had to keep himself reaching out to squish Yusei's cheek because it was just... so cute, damn it, just as all of Yusei's other little quirks were.

"Wanna try it? It's pretty good," Judai said, looking over the cabinet and already starting to pull out the spices he'd need for it. Not too spicy, but just enough for the taste - at least Judai had the supplies for this thanks to Edo shoving a bulk package of chocolate pieces at him so he could practice his chocolate baking and decoration skills. For what he wanted to do, he needed to make actual hot chocolate, as in with chocolate and milk and stuff in a pan - powdered hot chocolate would be nasty if he tried to make it spicy.

"Sure, why not - if you're vouching for it, it's probably good," Yusei shrugged.

Judai taught him how to make it as he went about the kitchen and pulled everything together, making enough that they actually ended up with three mugs of fresh hot chocolate instead of two. Oh well, it's not like it wouldn't get drank - this was the good stuff, there's no way they'd let it go to waste.

Obviously though, before Judai put the chocolate away afterwards, he gave a little bit to Yusei and promptly dragged him into a playful kiss once he'd eaten it. This went on for a few minutes, resulting in Judai being the one backed up and sat down on the table for once as it grew more heated, before they finally broke apart with matching smiles.

"Come on, don't want the drinks to get cold after you worked so hard to make them," Yusei teased, earning a laugh from Judai.

"Yes, I toiled over those drinks, thank you very much," he replied with a playful grin, causing Yusei to roll his eyes as he let Judai stand up so they could finish cleaning up the extra ingredients.

Soon enough Judai'd dragged Yusei back into their room, opening the window to let in the fresh, cool air and so the sound of the rain was easier to hear; the way the building was built, there was a little awning blocking the rain from actually going near the window, so it was safe to open it without getting the room wet. They situated themselves on the bed, cuddling in the middle after wrapping themselves with a couple blankets and sipping at their drinks while they looked out the window at the city and the rain.

"...I like it, this is really good," Yusei said after a couple tentative sips of his drink, pecking Judai on the forehead in thanks.

"Figured you would, glad you do," Judai said, smiling softly at him and leaning his head on Yusei's shoulder after a catching him in a quick kiss.

A content silence fell between them as they simply enjoyed the moment, the rain continuing to fall around them and adding to the peaceful atmosphere with every clack on the roof and splash on the streets outside as it mixed with the muted sounds of the city.

"...Love you, Yusei."

"Love you too, Judai."

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