Event Work

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"If you need anything, just call me, 'kay?"

"I will-"

"And if you get hungry there's leftovers in the fridge from last night."


"If Jack or Crow try to get back at you for all of yesterday's pranks, make sure you tell them off because you're still recovering from summoning too high a level monster yesterday than you were ready for, then tell me so that I can give 'em a piece of my mind as-"

"Judai, I'll be fine," Yusei stressed, flicking him in the forehead lightly to get him out of his thoughts. They tended to spiral into different 'what-if's and possibilities when he was worrying about something, and getting his attention this way seemed to work just enough to snap him out of it.

Judai sighed, pulling him into a hug and muttering into his chest, "I know, it's just nerves. You've been dealing with constant headaches all week and I've never gone to a stupid fancy event like this before, even if it's just as a cook."

"We'll both be fine," Yusei reassured, hugging him back and kissing the top of his head softly, "Watch, you'll be back before you know it."

"With more leftovers," Judai chuckled, taking one last deep breath before pulling away, "Edo did tell me that I was probably going to end up with some afterwards, though it's all going to mostly be chocolate stuff."

"Well, I like chocolate so that's great. Plus, you're the one making most of it in the first place, so that makes it even better," Yusei replied, pulling him back towards him for a moment so he could lean down and pull him into a brief kiss. He felt Judai smile into it, relaxing slightly under his grip as he kissed back eagerly.

"Alright, I seriously gotta go now," Judai sighed, walking out the door reluctantly after grabbing his bag (a new one of course, since his travel bag wasn't really suited for this sort of thing), "Love you, see you later!"

"Love you too," Yusei replied, raising a hand to wave goodbye, "Hope everything goes well."

The door closed behind Judai, and suddenly Yusei realized that this was the first time in the three months Judai'd been there that they'd be apart for more than two hours.

That was... a weird thought. It certainly hadn't felt like three months, and it was odd to know that he had an entire day ahead of him where he wouldn't get pulled into doing whatever activity had gotten Judai's attention for the time.

It hasn't even been five minutes and I already miss him, Yusei thought, sighing to himself before moving to the kitchen to get a drink before sitting down and trying to decide how to pass the time. Maybe he could finally start looking into games and virtual reality technology? He'd been meaning to do that for a while now and this would be the perfect opportunity to dive into it.

After all, Judai wasn't here to force him to take a break, which was really a double-edged sword - he'd be able to lose himself in the information without any interruptions and keep his thought process going, but on the other hand he'd probably forget to eat the whole day. Knowing Judai, he'd be able to notice immediately just from looking at him; if he didn't somehow, then he'd definitely know just from one look in the fridge.

He could set an alarm on his phone to go off every three or four hours? Yeah, that would probably work, plus as long as he kept the notification volume up he'd be able to notice when Judai inevitably texted him during any breaks he managed to take.

Yusei nodded to himself, pouring out a glass of milk to drink before going to fetch his laptop from their room. At least he'd been able to figure out something to pass the time with easily enough.

Now he just needed to make sure he actually set the alarms before he started...

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now