Going Over Info

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Judai happily shoved another bite of egg into his mouth the next morning, reading over the list Yusei had made for him. The slight clank of a mug on the table made him look up to see a full cup of whatever magical coffee concoction Yusei was somehow always able to whip up for him.

"Thank you!" Judai sang happily, ignoring the chuckle the other gave at his eagerness. Yusei still hadn't told him what went into the drink, but at this point as long as he got it he was happy; he swore he was being scammed into a coffee addiction, though only for this specific coffee.

Yusei pulled out a chair next to him, digging into his own breakfast after downing half of his own cup of coffee first. They ate in peaceful silence, enjoying the morning and the fact that Crow and Jack had left early to go do things they needed to do.

Once he finished eating, Judai spoke up, "There's a lot of 'em, but it's not all of them, so it shouldn't be total chaos at least. Man, how'd you even get this stuff anyway?"

"You forget that I technically work for the government," Yusei replied, finishing off his own food, "After all, I can't exactly work on the reactor without approval. Because of that, I have access to some of the database, which makes it really easy to get into the rest of it to look for information."

"Oh yeah... Huh, is that how you got my ID and stuff when I first got here?" Judai asked curiously. Yusei hadn't told him back then, though that was probably more so because Judai kept bugging him when he was trying to work.

"No, I can't change any of the information, just look at it," Yusei admitted, "I had to uh... call in a few favors for that one."

Judging from the sheepish look Yusei was sporting, very illegal things occurred to make sure Judai was secure and legal in this time. Judai scooted his chair closer so he could wrap an arm around Yusei's shoulders and kiss him on the cheek.

"Aw, we weren't even dating yet and you were already willing to do illegal things for me," Judai couldn't help but tease, grinning widely when Yusei narrowed his eyes and gave him the stoic version of a pouty glare. Still, there was no way he could hide the pink on his face from Judai, especially when he was this close to him.

"If it makes you feel better, I did plenty of illegal stuff when I was traveling," Judai continued, "After all, border-hopping is hard when you uh... don't have any identification on you. Had to secretly cross with my shadows every time and a couple times I had to knock out security guards."

Yusei stared at him a couple seconds longer before suddenly sighing and smiling, "Ironically, when you think about it, I've also 'border-hopped' and knocked out plenty of security guards before. Guess we're two peas in a pod."

Judai laughed at that, standing up and starting to gather up their now-empty plates, "I guess we are! Well, either way, what I was going to say before was that if you could pull me up a map I could figure out when they plan to make their move. All I have to do is figure out where exactly everything is in comparison to Johan and I'll be able to figure out when they're coming."

Yusei hummed in response, "Haou did mention that he was basically a beacon to you - alright, I'll go get the tablet then, be right back."

By the time Yusei returned, Judai was already done with the dishes and had gotten himself some green tea and started up the coffee maker again for the other. It was the least he could do after Yusei'd made him that amazing, addictive drink again that he still had trouble believing was actual coffee.

"Thanks," Yusei said, swapping the tablet in his hands with the coffee mug being offered to him. Judai shot him a smile, noticing that he'd already pulled up the map for him and locked it onto the hotel Johan was staying at while he'd been finishing up his coffee. Scrolling around the map for a few minutes, he eventually had a pretty good idea of how far everywhere was.

"Now we wait," Judai sighed, leaning on Yusei's side comfortably and resting his head on his shoulder after passing back the tablet so Yusei could use it, "I'll know when they're starting to gather because Johan will probably move towards Asuka and Jun's when the time comes. Haou was right, Johan's a literal beacon of light to us and even now, without stretching my senses out too far, I can tell exactly how far he is from here."

"At least we've got a bit of warning, then," Yusei replied, pressing a kiss to the top of his head, "Just means there's even less to worry about."

Judai hummed in agreement, closing his eyes for a bit and deciding to latch onto Yusei's arm so he could get more comfortable. For now, he had time to enjoy the rest of a peaceful morning with Yusei.

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