Relaxing After Work

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Well, Judai had to give props to Yusei for trying at least - he'd set five alarms and actually taken a break for two of them.

"Did you eat or did you just get more coffee?" Judai asked, gently pulling Yusei away from the laptop once he saw him save his files and shutting it as he spun the chair around.

"I... think I ate?" Yusei mumbled, yawning a bit into his hand and blinking in thought, "Yeah, I did. I ate the rest of last night's dinner at... what time is it?"

"Almost nine."

"Probably three hours ago then, the sun was just starting to go down when I did."

Judai sighed with a grin, relieved that he'd actually managed to eat dinner on time, "Well that's good. If you're still hungry I've got leftovers from work you can eat too."

"Maybe a little bit," Yusei admitted, getting up when Judai moved back a bit to give him room. He surprised Judai when he slumped forward and pulled him into a hug, burying his head into his hair with a relaxed sigh.

"Aw, I missed ya too," Judai hummed, wrapping his arms around his waist and enjoying the warmth. It'd been a while since he'd seen Yusei like this - super tired and worn out from working for way too long, and as a result extremely touchy as well.

Looks like he'd be getting a lot of bear hugs tonight, which was just fine with him. Judai himself was pretty worn out from having to interact with people all day in the kitchen (the work itself wasn't that strenuous for him considering his abilities), so it was even more appealing than usual.

"...Want me to make some tea while you go take a shower?" Yusei asked after a minute or two.

"Oh my gods, yes," Judai groaned, burying his head further into Yusei's shoulder and earning a laugh from him in response, "Use the new stuff I got the other day, it's supposed to be good for relaxing. Please and thank you."

"Will do," Yusei chuckled, finally pulling back from him and looking a lot more alive than he had when Judai'd first came in the room, "I'll get started on that then - don't take too long or it'll get cold, okay?"

"That's not too hard to do," Judai mused, seeing the opportunity to tease him and taking it, "After all, there's nothing to do in the shower unless you're with me."

Yusei rolled his eyes, apparently too tired to get flustered; it didn't disappoint Judai at all though because the exasperated look Yusei gave him when he cuddled back up to him and whined was hilarious enough to satisfy him.

"Come on, you gotta admit it was fun~"

"Did you want your tea or not? Plus, the sooner you go, the sooner I can eat and I'm hungry."

"...You make a very compelling argument, I'll go now."

"That's what I thought."

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