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"Ah, that's right!" Judai exclaimed, sitting up suddenly from where he was lazing about on the couch, "Sho said something about guilds in DDO!"

"Oh yeah, he did, didn't he?" Yusei replied, blinking in remembrance. He'd forgotten about that as well, with all the conversation that'd happened afterwards - it'd been amusing hearing about Judai's antics at Duel Academy. Speaking of which, he still needed to get that story about... what was it, flooding the Society of Light's dorm? Yeah, that sounded right - it'd been two weeks now, he couldn't believe he'd forgotten to ask.

There's never a dull moment with Judai around, it seemed, and Yusei liked that quite a bit. He'd already had the revelation that being forced away from his computer was doing him a lot of good, so even if in the moment he was disgruntled, he found himself fully encouraging Judai to drag him away from his work most days.

Secretly, of course. Judai knew, but Yusei felt like if he vocalized it he'd be getting dragged away for too many breaks.

"Come on, let's look it up real quick," Yusei continued, waving Judai over as he started typing into the search bar. Once the other was close enough he pulled him down into his lap, glad that the chair was relatively big so there was enough space to be comfortable without letting his legs die too much. He rested his head on Judai's shoulder with a smile, wrapping his arms around him so he could reach the mouse and keyboard still.

"Is this really comfortable for you?" Judai mumbled, not for the first time either since this was becoming a common occurrence whenever they were both looking at the laptop and were downstairs.

"The answer to that is still yes," Yusei replied amusedly, finding a forum post that gave a run-down of all the things guilds provided, "Anyway, here we go - let's see what guilds do."

They both read over it quickly, mainly scanning over the bullet points half-way down to make it faster. It seemed to be mostly social features that guilds provided, like a guild chat and title flairs, though there were also special quests that could be taken as a group for bonus rewards like rare cards and cosmetics. Apparently you could even decorate your guild hall... which immediately told Yusei that this was something they'd be working on, since Judai seemed to love the 'achievement hunting' part of the game, especially when it came to special cosmetics.

"Hmm, six person quests max," Judai mused, thinking to himself, "We've got four people already, but we'd need two others and I wanna make our guild special so not just anyone will do..."

"Already decided we'll make our own, huh?" Yusei chuckled, not surprised in the slightest.

Judai just gave him a shameless grin in response, pecking him on the cheek quickly while he continued to think.

"I wonder if anyone plays DDO already," Judai said, glancing down at his phone in his hand, "Then I could just invite them to the guild and we'd be good."

"Go ahead and ask," Yusei responded, smiling encouragingly, "I'm sure someone's got an account, or at the very least would be willing to make one."

"That's true," Judai grinned, unlocking his phone swiftly and typing into a group chat, "While we're waiting though, can we look up what those guild halls look like? I want the special ones, so we gotta figure out what those are first."

"I figured you would," Yusei said, pleased at having his previous thoughts proven right.

Upon searching up a list of upgrades, they found that it was pretty well fleshed-out, with themes ranging anywhere from classic fantasy guild halls to having cosmic space items everywhere. The only thing that really stood out to Yusei though was the Stardust Dragon statue you could earn through completion of the star themed set.

"Okay well, obviously we're getting the star set first," Judai stated, taking the words right out of Yusei's mouth. He smiled fondly at the other, pecking him on the cheek to show his appreciation.

"Then we could go for the Kuriboh collection," Yusei pointed out, noticing the set had both Winged Kuriboh and Winged Kuriboh LV10 in it. They really didn't miss anything with this game, did they?

Made him want to look through the code for it. Actually, why hadn't he yet?

Yusei put it on his mental 'to-do' list right underneath asking Judai about the flooding incident.

Judai's phone buzzed with a response, and after a quick look he grinned and said, "Edo says he's got an account, so now we just need- oh wait, Sho's got one as well. Uh, apparently they both made accounts after finding videos of us playing in that Valentine's Day tournament?"

"...Seriously, that one got recorded and posted online as well?" Yusei sighed, sagging slightly down into Judai, "I really shouldn't be surprised at this point though, I suppose. Well, at least we've got the six people we need - now we just have to do the guild creation mission."

"We can do it tomorrow," Judai said, turning around as best he could seeing as he was in his lap to give him another kiss, but this time on the lips, "I know you've got that work deadline tonight."

Yusei sighed again at the reminder - he'd already finished pretty much all of it, but being the slight perfectionist he was when it came to technology he was going back over the entire thing to check for little mistakes he could fix. He loved his work, but deadlines... he always got slightly antsy around deadlines, to say the least. Something about them just bothered him and made him feel the need to triple-check everything.

"I'll get'cha another coffee," Judai said, sounding like an angel from heaven to Yusei as he spoke.

"Thanks," Yusei replied, smiling appreciatively. The bright smile that Judai gave in return probably did more than the coffee did to make it easier to get done with his work, though.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now