True Slow Dancing

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"Yusei, before we sleep did you want to learn a little bit about the dancing stuff?" Judai asked, closing their bedroom door behind them as they finally walked in later that night. The lessons honestly hadn't gone on very long afterwards, and instead of slipping away like Judai had originally intended for them to do, they'd taken the chance to have dinner with Edo and Jun since they were over at Jun's place anyway. Asuka happened to get home right around when they'd ended, and it'd been pretty fun messing around in the kitchen and catch up even more on stuff while making dinner.

Of course, Asuka had finally gotten the chance to lecture him in person as well thanks to Edo and Jun distracting Yusei with something about their companies or whatever, so that hadn't been the greatest thing to go through even though he bore through it because it was inevitable. When she was done ranting to him, they were fine obviously, and immediately he started pushing for the story of how she and Jun had managed to get together, let alone end up married.

She didn't tell him, dammit, and just smirked at him while he died of curiosity.

Either way, they ended up staying late and had only just gotten home, luckily managing to avoid some late night rain that'd started to fall right after they got into the apartment - it was the kind that'd be gone by early morning, and the only way you'd know it even happened was if you'd seen it yourself or happened to see the tiny puddles left behind before they evaporated with the rise of the morning sun.

"...Sure, just a little bit though," Yusei said after thinking for a moment, "I'm pretty tired."

"Me too - don't worry, I'll just go over the positions and a little bit of the basic sway," Judai replied, pulling Yusei towards the biggest empty spot in the room, which was between the bed and the entrance to the bathroom. Already, as he turned to Yusei to start to explain, he could feel his heart beat a bit more loudly in his ears - this was far more intimate than he'd been expecting, and he was quieter as he explained, "Here, this'll be a bit easier than what I did earlier - we'll keep these hands laced together and held up, see? And then these just rest on each other's upper arm or shoulder, whichever is easier to reach."

"Like this?" Yusei asked, his own tone low and quiet in response to hearing Judai's do so.

"Yeah... And hey, good job, you already have your feet in the right place," Judai smiled, glancing up from the floor only to meet Yusei's piercing gaze.

It was the same one as that time they went on their date in the rain, and it stole his breath away just as easily as it had then; any and all previous plans he might've had to try and make this anything other than a nice, quiet moment flew out the window right then, too.

"Steps back and forth, spinning in a slow circle in place, right?" Yusei nearly whispered, moving him into a slow start when Judai managed to nod in return. He faltered a little bit at first, but it didn't break the moment at all and it certainly didn't break their gaze on each other.

Before Judai knew it, they were kissing - sweet kisses, not the ones that they often fell into nowadays because they never seemed to be able to get enough of each other. And all the while, Yusei kept them moving, Judai easily following his lead as he closed his eyes and let himself focus on the moment instead of his footsteps. Eventually they stopped, and Judai simply moved closer to rest his head against his shoulder while Yusei leaned his own head against his.

The rain outside was their music and they slowly danced for a long while afterwards to it, despite saying otherwise beforehand.

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