And We Have A Winner

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The goal of the game was to actually escape the haunted house, but it was harder than they thought it would be, especially considering players could die to the house. Due to this, everyone had died save for Judai and Yusei; however, they all watched on in excitement since the two were actively trying to sabotage each other as they slowly pieced together how they were supposed to win the game.

"Let's see here, draw an event card," Judai hummed, taking a card from the correct pile on the side of the board, "Aw crap, 'Card Reaper attacks, roll a four or higher to live'."

Much to Yusei's chagrin, Judai rolled a four and cheered.

"That's the eighth roll event he's passed in a row," Jack grumbled, glaring at the board. He'd been unlucky and lost to a roll event earlier in the game, getting locked in the basement by a bunch of Skull Servants.

"Alright, my turn," Yusei said, rolling the dice and moving around the board into the mansion's kitchen, "Oh, I get another clue." He drew a card from the respective pile before giving a grin.

"You gonna guess how to get out? You have to do it at the end of your turn," Lua asked excitedly, wanting to see the outcome. The others watched on eagerly as well, sipping on drinks while watching the show.

"There's no way you know it already," Judai said, narrowing his eyes at him in disbelief, "There's five different things that have to be done, and we're not even finished with the clue pile."

Unfortunately for Judai, Yusei had gotten the exact clue he'd needed to be one hundred percent certain on how to win. He'd been paying very close attention to what everyone'd been trying to figure out all game, and slowly been knocking out different options until he finally had only a couple things left.

"I definitely do," he replied, grinning at how Judai was starting to look worried, "I'm going to guess this - In order to get out, you have to break the magic circle in the attic, move the Blue-Eyes statue on the left side of the stairwell to the right side instead, light the candles underneath every Kuriboh painting in the playroom, drink the red potion in the kitchen, and flip the hidden switch behind the Dark Magician costume hanging in the armory. Then, the door will unlock to leave."

Akiza and Crow looked over the cards that had been placed separately as the solution to the game before looking back up.

"Dang, you got it in one try!" Crow cheered, Akiza nodding her head next to him in confirmation that Yusei'd won.

Judai pouted, letting his cards fall to the table while giving Yusei a dirty look, "How?! I'd only gotten three of those down in the end!"

"Yusei's just that good!" Lua laughed, excitedly looking over the winning cards with his sister.

"I just payed attention to what everyone else was doing early on," Yusei said with a content smile, "It wasn't too hard to piece together once there was only two of us left and the turns went faster."

Judai was as quick to bounce back from the loss as ever, though, giving Yusei another one of those smiles. He instantly felt himself tense, looking back at the other in wariness - those smiles always promised that he was up to no good, after all. It was something he both loved about the man and had learned to be afraid of.

"Winner has to clean up!" Judai yelled suddenly, clapping his hands together with a wink before gesturing wildly at the twins, "Quick! We must run to play some video games on Yusei's laptop!"

They were quick to pick up on what he said, running with him over to the desk in the corner where Yusei's laptop sat without a moment's hesitation. Yusei couldn't help but smile at their childish antics, though he was left wondering if Judai had something planned to get back at him for winning later; having to clean up the game wasn't something he minded much at all. Judai must have realized this, right?

"Don't worry, we'll help you out," Akiza said, passing Crow the scattered cards to sort through and helping Yusei gather the little duel monsters pieces. He thanked them, putting away the game rather happily.

At least now he could say he'd beaten Judai at something - it's too bad there was no bet this time, though.

...Judai was definitely influencing him, since he'd never felt quite so competitive about games in his life. Then again, considering the bet they'd be making, it was worth it; Yusei might have to start looking into those tag duel tournaments Judai had mentioned wanting to participate in just so they could get the extra money for their gaming habits.

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