April Fool's Day

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Jack walked downstairs into the kitchen with a yawn, ready to brew up some coffee so he could wake up fully and get to a job interview - for whatever reason, this place had decided to have him come in at eight o'clock in the morning, so he'd gotten up earlier than usual to get ready for it. Granted, if he missed it it'd probably be fine... right?

He'd lasted this long without a job, surely missing one interview would be fine. He probably won't even get this one, either, considering his streak of being kicked out of places, but if it would get Crow off his ass for a couple days it was worth putting up with. Besides, he didn't get what the big deal was since he still had a bunch of money stored up from his time as champion and he was still earning from the occasional tournament.

With a grumble, he noted that the water tank on the coffee maker was empty, so he took it off and shoved it under the sink to fill it up.

And then suddenly he was wide awake, sputtering from the sudden blast of water that'd spewed at him when he turned the sink on.

"Goddammit! What the fuck?!" he yelled, hands shooting up to his eyes to wipe the water out of them.

"April Fool's!" he heard Judai sing behind him, followed by manic laughter as the other bolted back up the stairs to his and Yusei's room. Jack cursed loudly, following after him as fast as he possibly could.

"Get the hell back here you little shit!"

"Why the hell are you guys all yelli-" Crow started, his door cracking open slightly. Unfortunately, this was right as Judai passed by, who merely tossed him a wild grin and a wink before running back into his room and slamming the door closed; what Crow couldn't have prepared for was the shadow that lashed out after he disappeared and pants-ed him.

Jack may have been mad at the moment, but even he couldn't help but burst out laughing at the way Crow cut himself off with a girly squeak, nearly tripping over himself as he pulled back as quickly as he could and slammed the door shut with a red face.

"You just got fucking pants-ed, holy shit!" Jack cried, giving a good kick to the door to tease him, "What happened to being Crow the Bullet, huh? Not so fast now! Ha!"

"Shut up, dammit! Don't think I didn't see how your entire front was soaked in water!" Crow yelled back through the door, voice wavering slightly as he hastily fixed himself up. He threw open the door once he was done, face still slightly red from embarrassment, and promptly laughed at the sight of Jack looking like a sad, angry, wet dog.

"You shut up," Jack ground out, eye twitching slightly as he turned to look at the door separating him from the reason for their suffering, "Help me figure out something to get back at them."

"Both of them?" Crow asked, laughter slowly calming down to a stop while he raised an eyebrow in question.

"You know as well as I do that they're working together for this," Jack stated, "Judai's been hovering over him like a mother-hen for the last week, I highly doubt he'd pull anything on Yusei himself."

"Very true," Crow shrugged, waving him off towards his own room with a grin, "Go get changed first though, unless you like being in wet clothes?"

Jack sent him a withering glare, which only ended up with Crow laughing at him once more while he stalked off to his room to change.

"Ah, they're planning on getting back at both of us," Judai hummed, fingers running through Yusei's hair lightly while he watched him type away on his laptop. He'd immediately passed Yusei the video camera he'd been using once he got in the door, and he was just making sure it all got saved and stored correctly.

"That hearing of yours is stupidly useful," Yusei murmured, still only half-awake at this point. Judai hadn't woken him up until right before Jack left his room to get his coffee, and he definitely wasn't helping him stay awake with the way he was playing his his hair. At least pulling the video from the camera was something Yusei could practically do with his eyes closed.

Judai chuckled slightly at the sentiment, pulling away for a moment so he could grab the cup of coffee he'd brewed much earlier beforehand and give it to him, "Here, this should help you out."

"Thanks," Yusei said, perking up nearly immediately as he took it and knocked back a large portion of the liquid.

"How's your head today?" Judai asked, looking on at the scene with amusement, "You kept up five level three's yesterday for the last half of the day, you're doing really well."

"Still hurts a bit," Yusei replied, taking his time and sipping at the last half of his coffee instead of downing it, "Not much, though."

Judai frowned at that, though it was to be expected with how quickly Yusei was getting used to materializing things for long periods of time; over the last week he'd gone from keeping up level one's for half a day and getting an extremely bad headache to keeping up level three's instead and getting a headache that was only half as bad.

Granted, it was still a pretty damn bad headache, but like Judai'd noted before, Yusei's pain tolerance was ridiculous. This only made him worry more about the other though since he didn't have an accurate gauge of how much pain he was actually going through, so he'd found himself flitting around Yusei the entire time to make sure he was actually okay.

Yusei grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together, effectively pulling Judai out of his thoughts as quickly as he'd fallen into them, giving him a reassuring smile and hand squeeze, "You're worrying too much again. I'm fine, Judai."

"I know," he replied. Judai couldn't help the smile that came to his face when Yusei pulled him closer, pecking him on the cheek and lips before going back to his laptop so he could finally close it up.

"Good, now go back to listening to them so we can avoid everything they try to pull on us," Yusei said. They looked at each other for a moment, their eyes holding the same mischievous gleam for once as they set about planning.

No matter how hard they tried, Jack and Crow were unable to get back at them. In fact, they ended up getting caught in their own traps half the time, and thanks to Yusei's planning and Judai's shadows, their embarrassment would forever be remembered with the power of video recording.

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