Cheeky Fox

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Yusei ended up bringing all the food out to the living room, laying the plates out on the coffee table. He figured it'd be easier this way, plus then Judai wouldn't have to deal with the kitchen chairs - the hard backs didn't go well with having a tail, and the last thing he wanted was for Judai to be unnecessarily uncomfortable.

"No way, he did what? I never thought that he would be able to find so- oh! Yusei, food's ready?" Judai asked, cutting himself off when he noticed him thanks to the clack of the plates against the table.

"Yup," Yusei smiled, gesturing towards one of the plates before making his way back to the kitchen to get drinks, "That one's yours, it has more meat on it. I made you your coffee, too."

"Awesome!~" Judai sang, eagerly picking up the utensils and digging in, "Love you, Yusei!~"

When Yusei came back out a few moments later with two drinks, he raised an eyebrow at Judai snickering to himself about something, "What's so funny?"

"Ah- I just thought of somethin'," Judai explained, swallowing first when Yusei gave him a pointed look, "So I say 'love you', and then the first syllable of your name is 'yu', so I could be saying 'love you' but with 'you' not actually being 'you' but... well, you! Get it?"

"Uh huh, I get it," Yusei hummed, giving him an amused smile. He sat down roughly, bouncing the other up in the air slightly and making him laugh at the playful move.

"Every time I say it now for the next week I'm going to think of that," Judai mused, still laughing to himself about the pun as he went on to eat. He snuck a little piece of sausage to Pharaoh, who took it eagerly and meowed happily afterwards.

"At least I'll know why you're laughing every time," Yusei replied, also breaking off a tiny piece of sausage for Pharaoh to eat and waving him over to the other side of the couch. Pharaoh took it gently out of his fingers, rubbing up under his hand in thanks after he finished chewing on it.

It fell silent for a little while as they ate, though eventually the smell of food must've woken up the other two because a door creaked open a few minutes later.

"Mornin'," Jack greeted, trotting down the stairs and turning the corner, "What'd you guys m- what the fuck?"

"There's plenty extra in the kitchen, just go get yourself a plate," Yusei said, face completely straight. He grinned internally when Judai choked on a laugh at his blatant ignorance of Jack's confusion.

"No no no, explain," Jack demanded, huffing slightly in resignation at yet another weird magic thing occurring, "Why does Judai have ears? Are those bloody real?"

"I've got a tail too," Judai replied cheekily, flashing him a toothy smile before shoving another bite of food in his mouth, "You should really try the food, it's good. Like Yusei said, there's more in the kitchen."

Jack's eye twitched as they continued to leave his question unanswered, both of them waiting for Crow to inevitably appear so they could pull the same thing on him. Sure enough, he came down only a couple minutes after Jack did, having nearly the exactly same reaction to seeing Judai as Jack had.

"Why is Jack yelli- the hell? Do you have fox ears?!"

"There's food in the kitchen."

"You should go get it, it's really good."

They finally cracked at the combined exasperated looks from Jack and Crow, snickering at the way they focused on it so hard.

Yusei took mercy on them, explaining, "Magic potion, lasts twenty-four hours - it'll run out tonight around eight or nine-ish. Can talk to Pharaoh now, apparently."

"And how, exactly, did you get one of those?" Jack sighed, accepting the answer a lot more quickly than he usually would - maybe he was finally starting to become desensitized to these things too, though he was a little bit behind Crow in that regards.

"When we helped get that duel spirit back home yesterday, they lived at a shop filled with stuff like this," Judai said, pausing for a moment before lighting up in remembrance, "Oh yeah! Speaking of which, we've got a shit ton of really good shampoo and that kind of stuff because they insisted on giving us something in thanks, so feel free to go through them and take whatever you want."

"I'll go get it after I finish eating," Yusei offered, noting the intrigued looks both of them sported, "They're laced with a little bit of magic to make them work well, but... just make sure you read the labels well. None of it is anything bad, but some of them are a little... odd."

"That wild berry one is off-limits though," Judai cut in, narrowing his eyes in a playful glare to the rest of them, "Off. Limits. Got it?"

"Aye aye, captain," Crow snorted, brushing past Jack to get to the kitchen, "We won't touch it, don't worry your furry little ears off, mister."

They all laughed at that one, especially when one of said ears flicked for a moment and accidentally hit Yusei on the side of his head lightly.

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