Crow and Jack

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Yusei had oh-so kindly brought Judai to the local grocery store after signing him up for the tournament. He had to choose something simple and relatively inexpensive in terms of portion size, so he grabbed the basics for a bulk batch of stir-fry and the pots and pans necessary.

No, they didn't have any pots or pans in that kitchen. Judai felt lucky he didn't have an aneurysm when he went through the cupboards and there was nothing but cup ramen and, thank the gods, plates and silverware. Of course, those looked like they'd been the scene of a dust bunny battleground, so they'd required a thorough cleaning, but at least they were there.

Now he was making the food while Yusei attempted to help by cutting the vegetables. They weren't evenly cut, but it was rather endearing to Judai to watch. He left the noodles a bit longer on the stove in favor of watching Yusei, who with a very serious and focused face, had moved on from the broccoli to the onions and was starting to tear up slightly.

It was very cute and he could barely keep himself from laughing.

The sound of a door slamming open almost made Judai drop the pot of boiling water and noodles he was moving off the stove to drain. Quickly, he carefully put it down on the counter and looked slightly panicked over at Yusei, who'd put down the knife and let out a hefty sigh.

"Crow and Jack," Yusei mumbled to him before pinching his brow and preparing to explain who Judai was.

Oh. Right, the two other people who lived here. Yusei had told Judai about them and explained that there was this huge New Year's tournament they'd decided to participate in, but it was required for all contestants to stay in a hotel near the site for the duration. Thus, they hadn't returned until now.


He heard the distinctive sound of someone getting smacked on the head.

"Shut up Crow, do you want to get yelled at by the people upstairs again?"

"Hey man, you didn't have to- what's that smell? Oh god, is Yusei cooking?!"

A red-head and a blonde suddenly sprinted around the kitchen wall, and met Judai's wide-eyed look with their own. Their eyes quickly darted between him and Yusei.

"...Who the hell are you?!" They both yelled.

Yusei just sighed before putting his hands on the slightly-overwhelmed Judai's shoulders and guiding everyone out to the living room.

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