Relaxing Date

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Yusei immediately found himself pinned with puppy eyes when he walked out of the restroom after getting ready.

"More coffee?" Judai asked, holding up his mug to his face.

"Of course. You don't have to beg for it, you know," Yusei replied, raising an eyebrow with a small, amused smile. He listened to Judai cheer happily in success while he went over to the closet and pulled out a heavier coat than he usually wore because it was raining.

"Alright, you make coffee then while I make the food," Judai stated, getting up from where he sat on the bed and grinning as he held the door open, "Make a lot, 'cause I have travel mugs we can use."

"...Since when did we own travel mugs?"

"Since about four days ago when I realized we didn't have any."

Yusei gave him an exasperated look as he passed him by the door, but he laughed anyway which led to Judai laughing as well while he followed behind. He wasn't surprised at all to find that said travel mugs had their signature monsters on them at this point, and it only made him love Judai more; the other's insistence on finding versions of literally anything with their monsters was very endearing to him.

It didn't take long for them to finish and pack everything away securely in one of his runner's storage compartments. Once they put on their jackets, Yusei made sure to take a minute or two to move his arms around and get used to wearing a thicker jacket - he wanted to make sure he wasn't too stiff while he was riding, especially in the rain. At least wearing the hoodie Judai had gotten him helped him get used to baggy clothing, which made the process go a bit faster than it usually would.

There were a lot more vehicles on the road due to the rain, which made getting to their destination take longer than usual, but on the flip side there were practically no pedestrians out once they got to the edge of the city, which meant they'd get to have a peaceful time without any possible interruptions.

"This place is just as nice in the rain as it is when it's sunny," Judai hummed happily after he took off his helmet, gazing out at the view, "It may be cloudy and stuff, but the air here is really crisp, especially with the rain."

"Glad we still came out, then," Yusei agreed, pulling off his own helmet and shaking his hair out; then he remembered it would just get flattened by the rain anyway, so he shrugged and simply got to work pulling things out of the storage compartment, holding out the umbrella first for Judai to take, "Here, go see if you can get it to stay somehow without us having to hold it."

"Okay!~" Judai sang, taking it from him and wandering over to the bench. After a minute or two, he heard Judai cheer once again in success, and when he looked up he saw that he'd managed to balance it on one of the back wood pieces of the bench and secure it in place by using the overhanging tree branches.

"Smart," he stated, and he could feel his chest tighten with warmth when Judai pridefully beamed at the praise, "Now here, you sort out the food while I spread out the towels. I don't know what's what, you're the one that made it."

"They're mostly sandwiches, but I also put in some of the pastries that I made yesterday for practice," Judai said, rustling around in the bag for a bit before joining him in sitting at the bench, "Here, it's still warm luckily. These're the breakfast versions I made with ham, egg, and cheese - classic breakfast stuff but in sandwich form."

"Thanks," Yusei smiled, taking the foil-wrapped food before setting it safely in his lap so he could tilt Judai's head up and pull him into a quick kiss.

"No problem," Judai mumbled once Yusei pulled back, leaning into his side with red cheeks but still meeting his eyes with a relaxed look, "Now come on, eat it before it gets cold."

And so he did, leaning back into Judai as he finally felt relaxed as well.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now