Picture Time

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Crow stopped short at the top of the stairs just outside his room, staring at the scene below before quietly rushing into Jack's room at eight o'clock in the morning.

"Jack! Jack get out here, you have to come look at this! And be quiet about it," he hissed out between his teeth, gesturing frantically for the other man to get up from where he was scanning over some news articles online. The blonde blinked back in confusion before grunting and following Crow out the door, stopping the same way Crow had just seconds earlier.

"Shit- Crow get the fucking camera, the good one, hurry-" he said, glad he'd taken his phone with him and already taking pictures. Crow scurried away into his room, re-emerging about thirty seconds later with the single high-quality camera they owned in this apartment. With shit-eating grins, they hurried as fast as they could down the stairs while avoiding all the creaky floor boards.

"This is it, Jack. If they aren't together within the next few days then something's wrong with this world," Crow whispered, getting the perfect picture from just across the coffee table next to the couch.

"Are you kidding me? Try by the end of today, there's no way they can be oblivious anymore after this," Jack replied, raising an eyebrow at him, "Just look at them, when they wake up in a few hours they're going to have to admit it."

Crow hummed in agreement at that one, "True. Considering Yusei hasn't woken up yet I think it's safe to say they only went to sleep about two or so hours ago; Yusei's a light sleeper, there's no way he'd sleep through us talking unless he's smack-dab in the middle of deep sleep."

At some point after they'd fallen asleep, Judai had shifted from being next to Yusei to being partially squished underneath him. Yusei was still wrapped around the shorter man, though at this point their legs were tangled and Judai had moved his single free arm to hug him back. The raven-haired man had dug his face down into the side of Judai's neck while the other rested his head against it. The Winged Kuriboh plushy had been pushed slightly to the side and at some point, the Stardust Dragon plushy had fallen from its position on the top of the couch to being used as an additional pillow instead.

"That's... true. We both know Yusei needs all the sleep he can get, maybe now he'll get more now that he has a reason to go to bed in the first place," Jack stated, his eyes glinting in mirth as Crow barely managed to choke back a laugh at the sudden joke.

"Come on, we should probably get out of here before we wake them up," Crow said, putting the camera back in its case before putting the whole thing in his work bag. Jack huffed out an agreement, following him out the door and to the garage.


"Oh yeah, hey we can just go get it together. Where do you wanna go?"

Jack snorted in response, "Where do you think, idiot?"

Crow groaned at that, feeling like he'd regret this twenty minutes from now but... well, maybe it was about time he at least tried a Blue Eyes White Mountain Coffee.

"Fine, y'know what? Show me what's so great about this uppity, posh cafe you're so obsessed with."

Jack may be glaring at him, but the twitching smile Crow was seeing gave away his excitement pretty easily.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now