Getting Results

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Judai's phone started buzzing constantly, causing him to blink in confusion as it moved on the table and didn't show any signs of stopping. Someone was spamming him with messages, it seemed, which made him wonder why they weren't simply calling him.

His question was very quickly answered the second he unlocked him phone and saw where they were being posted, though.


Thunder: I DID IT


Thunder: BUT

Thunder: I DID IT

Phoenix: shit already? dammit i was almost there, tell me was it at least interesting?

Thunder: as interesting as a bunch of ojamas and huts can be, at least i couldnt smell anything

Judai read over the messages, grinning maniacally at thought of them succeeding in doing that thing he'd requested of them after that tournament in April. It'd been worth the wait, and to be honest, he was amazed that one of them had even succeeded in that short of a time.

He'd expected it to take at least six months, if not a year, but here they were - only three months later and they had results.

HERO: ive been there before it actually smells nice believe it or not

Thunder: how the fuck do they manage that? they're in the middle of fucking nowhere and youre telling me they dont smell disgusting?

Phoenix: now that i think about it... i kinda pity you for having ojama village as your part of the spirit dimension you can get to

Thunder: rightfully so, dammit you have your stupid city and shit

HERO: at least ojama village is peaceful, theres shit tons of illegal stuff happening with the destiny heroes all the time

There was an incident Judai couldn't help but laugh at every time he remembered it - he and his HERO's had all decided to visit the Destiny HERO's at one point (they'd been invited so it wasn't like it was unexpected) and it had ended up with them busting a huge illegal drug ring and dismantling a cult... in the span of ten minutes after arriving.

At least his Elemental HERO's had time off, Destiny HERO's were always after something and as a result had become a bit... eccentric when it came to fighting. At least it meant there was always an exciting moment whenever they visited.

Either way, Judai was ecstatic that Jun had finally managed to visit his main spirit's home. He'd known of a way to do it after helping out a teen once who'd told him about it as thanks, which involved visiting in spirit, but not body, and generally in one's sleep. It took quite a bit of time to achieve, though, and he'd never actually asked anyone to try doing it before, so he hadn't known exactly how long it'd take for one of them to get it. Thus, he turned to them when the opportunity arose, partially to satisfy his own curiosity and partially so he could confirm a way for people to connect more with their duel spirits if they could.

He knew they would both be able to, considering their connection to their duel spirits was incredibly strong compared to the average person who could see them, but actually utilizing that connection to visit the other world was like having to go through physical therapy for a long forgotten about limb that you could barely feel. In other words, it was difficult and required a lot of slow steps to get to the end.

HERO: when you can, write up as much as you can remember about the feeling and stats about how long you were there, how far you could go, all that kind of stuff

HERO: need as much data as possible so i can possibly get someone else to replicate it, but even faster

Phoenix: yknow, i can really see the influence yusei has had on you, its kinda hilarious

Thunder: thats what i was thinking

Thunder: 'stats', 'data', i dont think ive ever heard those words come out of this idiots mouth

Judai rolled his eyes at the teasing, getting up to go get a new notebook for this now that there was actually results to write about; he stopped when he came out of his room a minute later, leaning on the railing and smiling down at where Yusei was completely engrossed his his work, a bunch of little things scattered around on his desk and wired together in a mess he couldn't really understand.

This was his main reason for being so excited, if he were to be honest with himself. He wanted to give Yusei that ability to hang-out with his duel spirits in their home, which he'd been looking into a bit and narrowed down a few possible locations of thanks to Junk Synchron's eagerness to help when he secretly pulled him aside and told him what he was doing. Apparently it actually existed as a field spell, which was to be expected as most archetypes like this had at least one, but Yusei... didn't have it.

According to Synchron, one had been printed, but only that one and it was actually stuck in the place itself. Starlight Junktion was a unique card thanks to that, and they both agreed that Yusei should get it - the only issue there was that, since it was stuck in the spirit realm and using the 'dream' method of going there, as Judai had started to dub it, wouldn't allow Yusei to bring back the card since it was only his spirit going there. In theory, he might be able to considering he was a King of Games and therefore had a core that might allow him to drag a card back to this world if he had enough duel energy, but it was too unlikely to happen.

Thus, Judai had to figure out where the place was and go get it himself. Junk Synchron was simply ecstatic when he said he would do so, even saying that it might be possible for Yusei to travel there using the card since he could materialize duel monsters.

Which, of course, stunned Judai because he'd never thought of using field spells the same way one used spells and duel monsters. He'd tried it immediately after and sure enough, opened a portal using Skyscraper.

"I can't believe we've seriously never thought of this before," Yubel had groaned, all three of them feeling slightly dumb now that they knew about it. It just seemed so obvious now that field spells would do something as well if they had duel energy or the Gentle Darkness shoved into them the same way.

He'd have to tell Aki later, maybe as a farewell present when she left for college. She'd passed her tests and gotten into a medical school in another country, which meant she'd be leaving in a couple months for it - it'd probably be great to be able to have a place to go unwind and talk with her monsters, considering how stressful her life was about to get with all that studying.

For now though, he had notes to take and a technique to try and streamline... after getting Yusei another cup of tea, though, since he noticed he was out and had been for quite a while. It was summer, he needed to stay hydrated and getting lost in his work was not helping his precious gearhead in that regard.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now