Winding Down

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Judai was, admittedly, a little bit worried about actually dropping Yusei, but after a couple of tumbles and tosses in the air, he got into the swing of things and just made sure to keep focus.

And gods, was he glad he hadn't chickened out of going along with Yusei's request, because he was getting to see a side of Yusei he hadn't gotten to see before. The other's hair was totally messed up from the wind and tumbling upside-down in the air, and he was loudly laughing with the most vibrant, bright smile on his face. He was oozing excitement and whenever Judai got a good look at his eyes in between throws, he saw slightly blown pupils and pretty sparkles thanks to the reflection of the city lights below.

It was impossible not to get caught up in such feelings as well, especially when it was Yusei, his normally calm and collected boyfriend. They spent a solid hour just goofing off in the sky together, not caring about anything else and just forgetting everything else while they had fun. Eventually though, during one of the times that Judai was holding onto Yusei's hand and swinging him back and forth while the other laughed happily and leaned into the motions, he realized that the other's grip was starting to slack ever-so-slightly and that his hands were very cold.

"Alright, one last toss up and then we should call it a night," Judai stated, swinging the other up back into a solid hold and feeling how shaky he was in his arms - if he hadn't been convinced before that Yusei was an adrenaline junkie, then he definitely was now. At least it had the effect of making him a very happy person, because it made having to stress and worry about about, y'know, throwing his beloved up in the air while they were already ridiculously high up have an end goal that was worth it.

"Already?" Yusei complained, unashamedly glaring at him with the cutest pout and very furrowed brows.

"It's been an hour and you're really cold, dear."

Yusei blinked in confusion, clearly focusing on how his body was feeling for a few seconds before smiling sheepishly up at him, "Oops? I hadn't even noticed..."

"Adrenaline junkie."

"Shut up and throw me one last time, damn it."

Judai snorted but did so, letting go of his legs so he could swing him by the arm for a little for momentum before finally throwing him above him. Yusei let out a loud whoop of excitement, coming down a few seconds later and laughing with a wide grin after Judai'd safely caught him again.

"Alright, I'm good now," Yusei said, curling up into him while he re-found the park they'd started at below and started descending, "You're really warm, how are you still so warm? I'm absolutely freezing, now that you've brought my attention to it."

"I live to be your personal heater, obviously," Judai teased, thinking of all the mornings and nights where Yusei would latch onto him and not let go, often times mumbling something about how warm he was under his breath. He was way too much like a cat in that regard, which only made him more curious about how he'd act when Judai finally got around to paying another visit to the Aromages' shop and got that transformation potion.

He landed softly on the ground, letting his wings fade out after he did so. He gave a sigh at the feeling, only now noticing the strain on his back where they'd been - he'd forgotten about how it worked muscles in his back that weren't used to being used like that. He was going to be sore tomorrow, since for whatever reason the ache from flying took longer to go away than other types of strain.

Now that he thought about it, he was pretty glad he wasn't Yusei right now - the other's arms were going to be really sore for a few days thanks to how much he'd swung by them and had them pulled harshly on. He winced just thinking about it and made a mental note to double-check their stock of painkillers the next morning.

He set Yusei down on his feet, or at least, tried to do so - the other almost immediately stumbled upon trying to stand on his own two feet, too shaky from the adrenaline and off-kilter after getting used to having nothing under him to be able to do so.

"Maybe we went a little overboard," Judai mused, catching him easily and pulling him back into his chest, "I'll just have to carry you home, I guess."

"T-thanks," Yusei stuttered, his soft laughter as Judai pulled him up on his back and grabbed his legs sounding like music to his ears, "I haven't felt a rush like that in a while, that was fun... even if we did go a little bit overboard. My bad."

"At least we know for next time, though. Thirty minutes is probably a good amount of time for this," Judai replied, smiling to himself when he felt Yusei kiss behind his ear after wrapping his arms around him for balance.

"So we are doing it again?" Yusei asked hopefully, sounding vaguely relieved and relaxing against his back as he started the trek back home.

"Of course we are, that's not even a question - that was fun, plus I think that's the loudest I've ever heard you be. You've got a cute happy laugh, y'know?"

He chuckled when Yusei buried his face into his neck, sure that if he were to turn his head and look, he'd see cheeks that were flushed from both the cold and embarrassment.

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