Tag Duels Maybe?

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"Man, those speed spells are tricky to use! I still don't quite get what happened, but you won at least," Judai said, flopping onto the couch and stretching his legs out. Going at super high speeds was fun, dueling at super high speeds was fun, but for someone not used to riding a motorcycle for so long it was killer on his legs.

"I only won because Winged Kuriboh gave me the extra level I needed to summon Junk Archer," Yusei replied, setting his helmet down on the desk before wandering into the kitchen. "Want anything?"

"Just some water, thanks."

Nodding, Yusei went out of Judai's line of sight. Judai hummed, closing his eyes for a bit to think over the duel. Seeing Yusei duel was something he'd only seen twice now, as apparently he only really dueled if someone challenged him officially for his title; he wanted to focus on what he explained to be the project his father had worked on before he died, as it would help the city.

Now that he was starting to have some fun again, he really wanted to try dueling Yusei, though some other part of him really wanted to duel with Yusei-

-huh, now that's an interesting idea-

"Judai, here you go," Yusei said, breaking Judai out of his thoughts. He opened his eyes and grabbed the water, muttering a quick thanks before draining half the bottle.

"Don't be surprised if your legs are a bit sore for a few days, you're not used to riding for so long yet," Yusei mentioned, giving Judai a sympathetic look. There was no doubt in Judai's mind that he was speaking from experience.

"Eh, I heal fast. I should be fine by the end of tomorrow if that's the case," he replied, thinking of all the time he had spent travelling. The good thing about his powers was that it came with a stamina boost and slight healing factor, so he was never out of commission for too long.

Yusei joined him on the couch, sitting with a slight huff. A comfortable silence fell between them as they sipped their drinks, both enjoying the moment of peace after an exciting day. All of their duel spirits had gone back to the spirit world to rest, so there was no background chaos for once.

Eventually Judai spoke up, going back to his earlier thoughts, "You guys still have tag-duel tournaments, right?"

Yusei tilted his head towards him, replying with an affirmative hum before explaining, "There's not as many, but on the other hand any rank of duelist can participate. Generally higher rank duelists join in, but considering they're more for fun than anything else plenty of lower ranks sign up with friends. They try to match higher ranks and lower ranks on opposite sides of the line-up so it's fairer."

"...I know you don't duel as much now, but would you be okay entering one with me?" Judai asked, suddenly slightly nervous for some reason. He pointedly ignored Yubel's slight cackling in the back of his mind.

Yusei blinked in surprise for a moment before giving him a smile and nodding. "Sure, it sounds fun and I've never thought about entering one before," he said, "If it's with you as my partner I think it'll be really fun - that, and we'll have a good shot at winning."

Judai grinned back and cheered, feeling like he was on cloud nine at that point. How could Yusei say such things so matter-of-a-factly? He could feel his face heating up slightly and hoped it wasn't too visible.

Once again, he pointedly ignored both Yubel and Haou this time, who were saying something about Judai getting a taste of his own medicine.

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