Judai Is Confused

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Yusei looked up curiously when the door finally opened and closed, revealing a bewildered Judai.

"Yusei, why did Jack scowl at me and slam the door to his room when I woke up?" Judai asked, flopping down on the bed next to him, "Please don't tell me Haou decided to mess with him- oh gods, he did, didn't he?"

"They competed in literally anything they could think of for the entire afternoon until you got back," Yusei replied, quickly closing his laptop and putting it away safely on the bedside table before glancing at the clock, "So... about eight hours, give or take. I left them down there at the five hour mark after Haou pulled out a royal flush against Jack in poker."

Judai snorted at that, "Of course he pulls a royal flush when he needs it most. Well, at least he and Yubel enjoyed themselves." He sat up and scooted over so that he could hug Yusei, letting out a content sigh once he let his head rest on his shoulder.

"You feeling better?" Yusei asked quietly, pulling him closer and laying his head against his.

"Yeah, way better," Judai replied happily, "A lot of the stress was just because I was stressing out in the first place, so chilling out for a while like that helped a lot."

"I'm glad," Yusei said, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I was a bit worried when you started pacing all the time, you don't normally do that."

"I didn't even realize I was pacing, to be honest."

"Surprisingly, despite how energetic you tend to be, you're more likely to lie down and sleep than pace erratically."

Judai laughed again, pulling him into a quick kiss that he was quick to return.

"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm still tired," Judai said, leaning his full weight into Yusei, "Like I mentioned before, mental naps may help my brain, but it does nothing for my body and Haou's been doing gods-know-what with it in his little game competition with Jack."

"He used shadows to keep him from flipping the table, and was restraining him with them as well when I left three hours ago," Yusei replied amusedly.

"Yeah, that'll do it," Judai mused, "If he's been actively using those for three hours straight then part of why I'm so tired is because of that."

"Come on, let's go get ready for bed," Yusei smiled, gently pushing him off and edging him towards the bathroom, "Go do your thing while I get changed, then we can switch."

Judai hummed in agreement, picking up his toothbrush and slowly going through the motions while Yusei quickly changed. Once he was done they switched, and minutes later they were crawling under the bed sheets and cuddling each other for warmth.

"Oh yeah, before I forget," Yusei mumbled, shifting Judai around a bit so his arm didn't fall asleep underneath his weight, "I looked up which of your friends was actually in the city and made a list of them along with who was staying where, so you'd know who to expect."

"I love you so fuckin' much," Judai muttered into his chest. Yusei felt him practically melt in his arms when he brought his hand up to stroke his hair softly, body relaxing nearly immediately upon doing so.

"Love you too," Yusei replied with a grin, "Now go to sleep, you can look at it in the morning."

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