Back to Work

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The next day came with an email describing what needed to be done next for his work and the next deadline, so it was time for Yusei to get back to work.

Or at least, he was trying to.

"Judai, I'm fine," Yusei said, giving him a reassuring smile in the hopes that he'd let him get started on his project soon. He wanted to get down the basic guidelines today and figure out where he was going with it at least - if he did, then he'd be able to work at the same pace as last time and finish early.


"-It'll just make it harder for me to focus, and I'm plenty warm enough as is. I'm wearing the hoodie you got me, after all."

Judai pouted, waving the blanket he was holding around in frustration, "I know but, just one won't hurt, right? And why would it be hard to focus?"

"Because I'd have to keep adjusting it every time I moved my arms," Yusei explained with a sigh, "You know I zone out whenever I get into my work, it'd probably just end up on the ground."

"Even if you put it in your lap?" Judai tried suggesting, poking at his cheek with a finger, "You don't move your legs much at all, that should be fine, right?"

Yusei just stared at him before sighing again, though this time resignedly, "You're not gonna stop until I agree, are you?"

"Nope!" Judai grinned happily, pushing the blanket back towards him, "It'll make me feel infinitely better if you just put it in your lap. The last thing you need is your sickness coming back on accident."

"I don't think that's how it works, Judai."

"Too bad, it does now. I made sure all day yesterday to keep you warm and stuff, and since I can't do the same thing today without distracting you from doing anything I figured a blanket would suffice."

Well, it's not like it wasn't true - Judai was very distracting and could pull him out from just about anything he was focusing on. When he put it like that, he couldn't really argue because a blanket was much more conducive towards getting his work done.

"Fine, give it here," Yusei relented, holding out his hands for the blanket and earning himself a bright, sunny smile from Judai.

"Thanks!" Judai cheered, handing it over quickly and nodding in approval once he'd spread it out sufficiently enough over himself, "Now, is that so bad?"

"...Not right now, but we'll see I guess," Yusei stated, pecking Judai on the lips with a small smile before turning to his laptop.

"That's all I ask for," Judai said, giving him a quick hug in return and a peck on the cheek before going towards the kitchen, "You want hot tea, cold tea, or coffee?"

"Coffee please," Yusei replied, sending him a grateful smile that he was happy to see made the other's eyes light up more, "With milk."

"Can't forget the milk, huh?" Judai mused, thinking for a moment before laughing and teasing, "Man, instead of using oil for those gears in your head you've been using milk! I've figured out your secret, mister."

Yusei rolled his eyes, but he knew Judai was still able to hear the quiet chuckle he gave in response; he couldn't help it, sometimes the things Judai thought of were just completely ridiculous and yet ended up being greatly amusing despite that.

...It was rather nice having his lap so warm while working. He should thank Judai later for looking out for him.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now