Movie Night

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"You still awake?" Judai mumbled, not bothering to move his arms off his face as he turned towards Yusei. They both were lying on top of the bed sheets due to the humidity of the night, and Judai at least couldn't manage to sleep because of it.

Usually he could ignore it and just pass out, but something about that specific night, the weather, and the surrounding atmosphere made falling asleep an impossible feat.

"Yeah," Yusei replied shortly, rustling the bed sheets as he turned to look at him and moved one of his arms off his face so he could see it.

"Damn it. Of all the nights, it had to be the one right before a tournament, huh?" Judai mused, eyeing Yusei's hand for a moment before holding it with a little sigh and a smile. He got a small grin in return for his actions, which brightened his mood significantly.

"Well, at least it's one we're doing for fun," Yusei pointed out, squeezing his hand back for a moment, "Plus we could win duels in our sleep, pretty much. We mainly need the energy for dealing with all the people and attention there."

Judai hummed quietly in agreement, letting the silence hang in the air for a bit as he thought about what they could do; there wasn't much he could think of besides doing their best to ignore the mugginess of the night, but eventually something came to mind that he liked the idea of.

"Wanna go downstairs and like... watch a movie on your laptop or something?" Judai asked, getting a curious blink of thoughtfulness from the other.

"It would be cooler downstairs, heat rises," Yusei mumbled, mulling it over in his head in such a way that Judai could once again easily imagine it being filled with gears, "Alright, but you need to set it up. I've only watched like, two movies in my life and that was because of the twins' convincing."

Makes sense, Judai thought to himself, biting his tongue from saying anything about it - besides, Yusei would already know at this point what he was thinking. Knowing him, he could probably just see the protectiveness in his eyes.

This was why Judai was here though, to help him get figure out all these experiences that he never got to have before. He could never be sad for him for too long because Yusei's intent interest and curiosity with everything always left him beaming in joy at how adorable it was.

They brought down a few pillows with them so they had extra padding on the couch, along with a blanket just in case because it could be used as a softer spread if they needed it. As they were setting it up though, one of the doors upstairs creaked open, followed quickly by another.

"Guessing you guys couldn't sleep either, huh?" Crow laughed quietly, leaning on the railing next to Jack and looking down at what they were doing.

"Nope! We're gonna watch a movie to pass the time, wanna join? We can just make this a huge-ass pillow fort or something - as long as the laptop's visible and everyone's comfortable that's all that matters," Judai grinned, holding up a pillow and shaking it playfully.

"If there's going to be four of us watching, we might as well put it on the holo-pad. That thing can expand its screen really big, we just need a mount to hold it up in the air," Crow mentioned, trotting down the stairs immediately at the invitation with a quiet Jack following behind him.

Jack looked slightly irritated, as would be expected from a guy who probably treasured his beauty sleep, but evidently wasn't as much as he seemed judging from how he went to the kitchen and grunted, "I'll get tea for everyone. Choose a boring one, maybe we can all fall asleep if you do."

All three of them snorted at that one, knowing that if they were going to fall asleep, it'd happen whether the movie was boring or the most interesting thing they'd ever seen in their lives.

"Give me a couple minutes, I'll put a mount together real quick," Yusei said, clearly already knowing what he needed to as he dug through a couple boxes of parts along the wall and started pulling out specific ones with ease.

"Alright, guess it's up to us to figure this out," Judai shrugged, studying the couch and the area around it while deciding what to do.

"You and Yusei stick to the couch, Jack and I will set up on the ground," Crow grinned, eyes glinting as he teased, "Last thing we need is to have our teeth rot and get cavities thanks to you two, so you get to stay behind us and out of sight."

Judai rolled his eyes, waving him off while walking back up the stairs, "Yeah yeah, whatever you say. Move the coffee table while I go get a ton of blankets and pillows for you, even though I shouldn't be after comments like that."

"You should see the posts I get on my news feed about you two-"

"On second thought, your comment is very tame and I appreciate you not being worse about it."

"Oh man, just think about what it'll be like after tomorrow- or rather, later today, it's past midnight..."

"Don't remind me," Yusei pitched in from across the room, loud enough that even Jack could hear him over the boiling water in the kitchen.

They all laughed at his comment, and then subsequently laughed again when Judai threw a pillow at Crow's face just as Jack walked back into the room with drinks. Soon enough everything was set up and a random fantasy movie of some sort that Judai had scrolled through and found was playing on a decently sized screen that was mounted on the far-away coffee table.

Judai was happily cuddled up with Yusei, fans blowing and actually being able to reduce the room's temperature to a comfortable amount thanks to it being cooler than the upstairs already.

Of course he managed to fall asleep, this was basically heaven after the day he'd had. The quiet movie sounds and the sounds of the fans blowing all trickled into white noise as he closed his eyes and slept on Yusei's shoulder.

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