White Day

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Yusei woke up a week later bright and early. He, to his satisfaction, also found himself to be the one who'd rolled over on top of the other that night as they tended to do, which worked out well for what he wanted to do.

It was White Day, after all, and though he may not really be the planning type or one to pull off anything extravagant, he at least wanted to do something special for Judai. Judai'd been able to pull off Valentine's Day pretty well and he figured that now it was time for him to return the favor.

Carefully, he peeled himself off of Judai, smiling fondly at the other when he curled up further into the sheets and quickly latched onto the pillow that Yusei had moved to replace him - it wouldn't do for the other to wake up just yet, not if Yusei wanted this to work. He didn't bother changing beyond throwing on his jacket, seeing as it was a bit cold that morning, and yet again carefully opened and closed the door, making his way to the kitchen.

He bustled around quickly, and as he worked on making breakfast he couldn't help but think that he was glad they had another floor with the bedrooms on it - it meant he could be pretty loud in the kitchen without the noise ever reaching to the people still sleeping, or at least was muffled enough for it to not wake them up. Granted, eggs and bread in a pan didn't really make much noise, even with the light spray of oil he'd put on beforehand to make sure it wouldn't stick, so there wasn't really much noise to worry about in the first place.

Really, the main thing he was focused on was time - Yusei wanted to make sure Judai didn't wake up before he was done, so he stuck with a relatively simple breakfast plan and busied himself with finding the largest plate they owned while waiting for the food to cook. Soon enough he had a platter of food ready to go, and after pouring a glass of orange juice to go with it, he made his way back up the stairs and into the room.

Judai was still curled up in the bed, though the twitch he made when the plate clacked on the side-table showed that he was pretty close to waking up.

"Judai, it's morning," Yusei said, sitting down on the side of the bed next to him and nudging him softly, "Wake up, sleepyhead."

Judai groaned for a moment, still stuck in a sleepy haze before he turned over to look at Yusei and made a questioning noise. Clearly he was a bit confused as to why Yusei wasn't in the bed with him at the moment, and Yusei smiled at how cute a sleepy, confused Judai was.

"I made you breakfast," Yusei smiled, noting that Judai almost immediately perked up at that.

"You made me breakfast?" Judai asked, sitting up quickly wearing one of those bright, sunny smiles that Yusei was happy to be seeing a lot more of recently.

Yusei hummed affirmatively, grabbing the plate and holding it out for Judai to grab, "Happy White Day."

Judai's eyes sparkled in happiness as he looked down at the ensemble of food, and Yusei felt pride at having chosen to do the right thing for the occasion.

"Oh my gods, I love you so much," Judai said excitedly, patting the pillows next to him after a moment, "You're amazing, holy crap- come on, move over here, you're eating this with me!"

Yusei chuckled at that, obliging and moving over next to Judai on the bed, "I did make enough for both of us. I hope it's not too simple - I wanted to make sure you didn't wake up while I was making it, so I may have rushed."

"Yusei, this is perfect," Judai replied chirpily, pecking him on the cheek in thanks, "I get breakfast in bed with you, with it being food you made for me. Best. White Day. Ever." He stabbed a piece of egg and part of the toast with a grin before holding it out towards him, saying, "Now open up, I wanna feed you, you perfect man."

Yusei couldn't feel embarrassed at all about this, however, because he was too busy rejoicing that operation White Day Breakfast was a success and that Judai was praising him in between bites of food. Maybe he didn't suck at this love stuff after all.

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