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"Out of curiosity," Yusei asked the next morning, catching Judai while he was still half-asleep and holding onto the morning grogginess for as long as he possibly could, "What else was in that box? It was too big to just be the ah- the ears."

How cute, Judai thought sleepily as he looked up at Yusei from within his arms, He still can't talk about it without stuttering.

Then, the question Yusei'd asked finally set it, and Judai felt a bit of energy suddenly hit him at the reminder of the other things he'd bought using a tiny (very, very tiny) portion of the prize money he'd won the week before.

"Lemme show you," Judai said, letting out a yawn before reluctantly crawling out of the warm sheets for a few seconds so he could grab the box off the desk and bring it back over. Yusei sat up while he did so, a small smile on his face as he waited patiently for Judai to settle back in again; Judai couldn't resist getting a hug from him again for a few moments, sighing happily before turning back to the box and opening it.

"I got these for both of us," Judai said, quickly finding the right packaging in the box and unwrapping the plastic from it, "I thought it'd be nice if we had something more casual, 'cause we... kinda don't, if you really think about it. And they're comfy 'cause I bought them a bit on the large side." With a grin, he held up the hoodie he'd gotten for Yusei first - it was soft, black, and had a nice, minimalist design of Stardust Dragon on the front in a pretty light blue. Judai'd been pretty happy when he found it, not only because of the design and material, but because you could make a custom size and it let him make sure it would fit Yusei well while still hanging a bit loose everywhere.

Also luckily for Judai, he'd had the jacket Yusei gave him as a base for what his size would be, so that helped a lot in keeping it a surprise.

To Judai's delight, Yusei's eyes lit up slightly at the gift, his smile growing just that little bit bigger and telling Judai that he was happy with the present.

"I like it," Yusei replied, taking it when Judai handed it over after removing the tags on it and putting it on, "It's soft, too. I've never actually worn a hoodie before, this is nice."

Judai knew he had a silly grin on his face at this point, but he couldn't help it - Yusei in an over-sized hoodie was everything he'd imagined it'd be. He'd gone straight to fiddling with his sleeves just like he'd done with his lab coat, and it was simply too adorable for this world. Best of all, he seemed to really like it, so he'd get to see this a lot more from now on, too.

"Here, this one's mine," Judai said, pulling his out and smiling happily at seeing his design be just what he wanted it to be as well. It was black just like Yusei's and had a minimalist design of Flame Wingman in place of Stardust, though his also had a simple skyscraper in the background to set the scene a bit. He pulled off the tags on his as well and put it on, turning to Yusei and asking, "So? Is mine good too?"

Yusei hummed with a nod, leaning over him to push the box off to the side before dragging him back fully under the sheets, "I don't know about you, but I feel like going back to sleep now."

"That comfy, huh? I'm cool with this," Judai chuckled, curling back into him easily and noting that having the extra padding and long sleeves added an extra bit of softness that made the whole thing feel... nicer, somehow. Maybe it was because it gave him an extra layer to grip at? Or because it meant he could bury his head into his chest a bit more?

Either way, it was a really nice feeling, and Judai sighed contently as warmth surrounded him again, Yusei's fingers threading through his hair lulling him back to sleep quickly.

Now this was what he called a good use of money.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now