Dirty Jokes

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"Lunch is ready!" Martha called out from the kitchen, poking her head out for a moment to wave everyone over, "Come get your food while it's fresh."

The kids all cheered immediately, rushing over to the kitchen and leaving behind a slightly-winded Crow, who'd been stuck getting chased and dog-piled the entire time they'd been waiting, much to Yusei and Judai's amusement; unlike Crow, they'd mainly been hanging out with the calmer kids who were more interested in listening to Judai's stories about other places and playing with their duel monsters.

This also meant that Yusei'd had to materialize more monsters, including some of Crow's since they were considerably more... fluffy and child-friendly than most of the other two's, so even now he was getting his daily practice in. At least it felt like a break in the end because they were a mix of level two's and three's instead of being all level three's and four's.

"Sometimes I forget just how much energy children have, and then I come back here and get reminded all over again," Crow breathed out, sitting up from the floor and stretching out, a few pops ringing out as he did so.

"That was only thirty minutes though," Judai teased, patting him hard on the back right after he stood up and causing him to stumble forward, "I was with them an hour and a half before you two finished fixing the upstairs to your liking, are you sure you're in shape? Maybe you need to come here more often, build up your stamina."

"You say that like you don't have a ridiculous amount of stamina, Judai," Yusei stated, giving him an unimpressed look. Judai was an unfair reference point to compare to since he was part duel monster and had increased everything because of it.

"...Y'know, I'd make a joke here but there's children around," Crow suddenly grinned, looking between the two of them with a glint in his eyes.

Both Judai and Yusei stared at him in confusion, not understanding what joke there was to be made in the first place. Evidently though, Yubel or Haou must've explained it to Judai since his face turned red about ten seconds later.

"Crow, what the- no! Bad!" Judai exclaimed, pointing at him with a scandalized look, "Why would you even think of that? Do you think about these things a lot or something?!"

"What? No, of course not!" Crow retorted, crossing his arms defensively, "It just- it's a good joke, come on, and it's a common one too!"

"...I don't get it," Yusei muttered, watching the two as their argument started devolving into other topics like food, cards and other things that were more entertaining for the kids to watch as they ate their food. Every once in a while they'd cheer whenever they agreed with something one of them said, and it eventually turned into a competition of how many kids they could get cheering for them at one time.

Apparently uttering his confusion was reason enough for Yubel to appear as a spirit next to him with a snicker, leaning conspiratorially next to his ear with a hand up to explain, "He was implying that Judai must be great in bed, with stamina like that."

...Oh, Yusei thought, his eye twitching slightly as he took a slow, deep breath to try and stop his face from warming any further; it failed, of course, like it usually did nowadays whenever anything having to do with Judai popped up.

"I'm just going to get food now," Yusei said, walking into the kitchen while Yubel laughed behind him for a while before disappearing.

While he was at it, he made sure to grab Judai a plate of food too, conveniently 'forgetting' that Crow would need one as well - he could get his own just fine.

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