Forced Break

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"I activate Miracle Contact, which lets me shuffle Neos and Grand Mole back into the deck from the Graveyard to Special Summon Elemental HERO Grand Neos from my Extra Deck," Judai said, earning a groan from Crow as he realized he was screwed... again, "Then his effect lets me return one monster you control to your hand, so I choose your Silverwing."

Which was obvious, because it was the only monster Crow had on the field.

"Yeah no, I lost again," Crow sighed, though he was grinning despite the losses, "You put up a tough fight no matter what deck you're playing, huh?"

"So do you, though," Judai replied, gathering up his cards and putting them back in order, "Those Blackwing monsters are definitely tricky to play against - you got out a Synchro monster on your first turn with them because of all the Special Summoning you were able to do."

Unfortunately they couldn't do much against the versatility of Judai's Neo-Spacians, but really, there weren't too many decks out there that did. A well-placed Heavy Storm or Mystical Space Typhoon would mess him up, but most people seemed to play archetype specific support cards in this time alongside things like Torrential Tribute - instead of clearing the field, they were intent on making sure things never hit the field in the first place.

"I think that's enough dueling for now, should we go drag Mr. Computer over there out of his mind?" Crow asked, sharing a mischievous grin with Judai.

"Sounds like a good plan to me," Judai replied chirpily, "How do you wanna do this?"

Crow hummed in thought, leaning back in his chair for a moment before musing, "We could literally drag him? Grab him from the armpits, pull him back?"

"No no, better idea! What if we just grab the chair instead?" Judai suggested, sitting up quickly in excitement, "Just pull the whole thing up with him still in it, he won't know what hit him!"

"The thing's got metal rollers on it though, if we're not careful we'll just end up hurting ourselves-"

"Then we just don't hurt ourselves. Simple, right?"

Crow gave Judai an exasperated look, rolling his eyes before shrugging and giving off a sigh, "Well, I guess we just go with that, then. What do we do after we pick him up?"

"Eh... let's carry him up to Jack's room, barge in and see what the guy's even been up to for the last two hours," Judai said, standing up and stretching out his arms, "We gotta get Carly down here soon, seriously. Actually, now that I think about it, has Jack applied for any more jobs after Martha came and gave him the talking-to of his life?"

"He has, he's just waiting for responses," Crow replied, looking up in thought, "Actually, I'm pretty sure he got one back recently and they wanted him to come in for an actual interview, so we'll have to see how that goes. Hopefully Martha got it through his head that he can't just argue with the interviewers if he really wants to get a job and get paid."

"Hopefully," Judai agreed, shaking his head slightly as he remembered just how many times Jack had failed an interview, "I still can't believe he got himself rejected so many times, that should be a record at this point."

Crow snorted at the reminder, shaking his head as well before nodding towards Yusei and saying, "Well, should we get started, then?"

Judai just laughed lowly in response, nodding his head as a mischievous gleam entered both their eyes and they quietly stood right behind Yusei. Judai held up a hand, counting down from three once Crow nodded in confirmation; they both hauled the chair up into the air, Yusei still on it and startling badly, starting off towards the stairs while being careful not to hit the chair legs.

"G-Guys?!" Yusei stuttered out, "What the hell, let me down!"

"Nope, time for a break!~" Judai sang happily, making sure he held up the chair at the same height as Crow. He had to hold his arms up higher because of this, which was... slightly demotivating to realize, but funny to him regardless. He turned the knob for Jack's door just as Crow kicked out with one of his legs at it, badly startling the blond inside and earning them a slight scream.

"What the- Are you two being serious right now?!" Jack exclaimed, an eyebrow immediately starting to twitch as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Judai and Crow merely smiled as they put the chair on top of the bed, leading to an outraged cry from Jack at his bed being messed up so much and Yusei going to get up only to freeze as he inevitably felt the chair's balance shift due to the mattress underneath it.

Causing chaos was such a fun thing to do, therefore, chaos made great breaks, right? Judai thought so, at least.

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