Vision Issues

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Yusei let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes, tearing them away from the screen to give them a slight break. Having an actual sleep schedule was making him get tired easier the later it got, and he found himself being able to actually stop working at a decent time because of it without any prompting; just in time for dessert too, it would seem, since he could smell the chocolate from the kitchen.

Judai had gone on a cooking spree all day, now that he wasn't sick anymore and could do so. They were going to have leftovers for everyone to last the entire next week, and now probably dessert for a few days as well. This was also probably Judai's way of apologizing for the bug incident from that morning as well, so Yusei would happily take whatever concoction he'd baked for him as a result.

His eyes were a bit blurry after rubbing at them, so he waited a few seconds for them to clear while he blinked them; suddenly he was reminded of that earlier thought he'd had that morning during the incident, but had shoved to the back of his head due to more... pressing matters at the time.

Curiously, he went to the opposite corner of the room and stared at the clock on the wall next to his desk... and squinted.

...Well, that's not good, he thought to himself, rubbing his eyes one more time for good measure - nope, he still couldn't quite read the clock numbers. Hell, the clock itself, plus his laptop and mouse were a bit blurry around the edges, though it wasn't so bad that he couldn't make out most of their details.

It was just the edges of things that were blurry, but... he probably wouldn't be able to read signs that were really far away, based on this. Yusei found himself a little bit worried about the implications and not really wanting to accept the fact that...

That he needed glasses. And contacts, since he couldn't very well wear glasses with his helmet on when he rode his motorcycle.

It was just a little bit of blurriness, right? Surely he could live with that, he had so far - completely disregarding the fact that this was a recent development of course.

"...Why are you squinting at the clock, Yusei?" Judai asked from the kitchen entrance, startling him out of his thoughts and filling him with a small sense of dread that he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret.

He knew it was for the best, but he still didn't want to accept it just yet.

"I... was testing something," Yusei said carefully, though Judai seemed to pick up on what exactly he was doing before he could even try to come up with a different answer.

"You can't read the clock, can you," Judai stated, already knowing the answer to that as a small grin lit up his face.

"I- I can, but the numbers are little blurry and... so is everything else around the edges over there," Yusei grudgingly admitted, sighing slightly before walking over to join Judai in the kitchen. Judai caught him in a hug, making him smile a bit as his mood improved significantly from the warmth of it.

"So you need glasses, huh? You're gonna be so cute in them," Judai chirped happily, smiling up at him before leaning up and giving him a small peck on the lips, "It's not the end of the world, dear."

"I know," Yusei replied, pulling him closer and kissing the top of his head before sighing once again, "I just wish I didn't have to deal with it."

"Well, from what you said it's not too bad, right? You'll survive for a little bit, don't worry too much about it," Judai said, pulling away and pushing him towards a chair before moving to get Yusei a plate of whatever he'd made for dessert, "If you want I can ask Sho what eye doctor he goes to - they're bound to be discreet and stuff, Sho used to be really big in the pro leagues after all. Better to be safe than sorry, plus it's just less of a hassle."

"I'd appreciate it, thank you," Yusei smiled, relieved by the suggestion, "Now that that's covered, though... I smell chocolate, what did you make?"

"A classic - chocolate ganache cake with raspberry glaze," Judai replied, setting a slice down in front of him with a grin, "I wanted to practice my decoration skills, how's it look?"

"Like something that'd be served at an expensive restaurant," Yusei snorted, giving him an exasperated look and gesturing to the perfectly plattered slice - the glaze was drizzled in a zig-zag both on the cake and off to the side of the plate, there were raspberries gathered in a bunch on top of it, and a little bit of powdered sugar was sprinkled on for color, "You spoil me way too much, Judai."

"I do my best," Judai replied cheekily, plopping down in the chair next to him, "Now, try it and tell me just how amazing I am."

Yusei chuckled at that, eagerly complying and taking his first bite of the cake before saying, "Delicious. Very chocolate-y, you're amazing."

"Love you too!" Judai laughed, and Yusei loved the way his entire face lit up in pure joy.

"Now, your turn to take a bite," he said, cutting off another piece with his fork and making sure to get some extra glaze on it before holding it up to Judai.

"Wha? I don't want any right now, I made that for you, y'know-"

"Just one bite, for me? Let me feed this ridiculously good cake to my boyfriend."

Yusei vaguely heard Judai mumble something about bargaining and sickness before he was rewarded with the sight of a lightly blushing Judai opening his mouth shyly to let him feed him.

So cute, Yusei thought to himself, humming happily as he gently fed him the cake.

Now that he thought about it... maybe glasses wouldn't be so bad. It might let him take in more of Judai, after all, and that was always a plus - not that it would matter too much when they were close like this, but it'd definitely help when he was taking him in from across the room, watching him do whatever thing had caught his attention for the day. And for when there was a tournament, of course.

Yes, glasses wouldn't be bad at all.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now