Thank You Gifts

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They ended up leaving with a lot of room fragrances and washing supplies - shampoo, conditioner, body wash, laundry detergent, all of that stuff. There were other things in the shop too, like potions that had a variety of... odd effects when you drank it (to be honest, Yusei wasn't sure about a few of them considering he didn't even know a few of the words used - Judai seemed to be the only to recognize them and had immediately vetoed choosing them) and little enchanted nick-knacks that could do things like speed up a plant's growth, but they didn't really have any use for them; thus, they stuck with the 'make everything smell good' products.

They'd insisted on them taking so much, too, no matter how much any of them tried to refute it, stating that they couldn't repay them enough unless they did. Judai caved after two tries with a resigned smile, so Yusei followed his lead, figuring at this point that Judai would be the more knowledgeable one when it came to interacting with duel spirits.

"Come back to visit sometime!" Jasmine waved, watching next to both Bergamot and her other sister, Rosemary, who'd been in the shop part of the house when they entered.

"I'll make sure to!" Luka replied, waving back just as enthusiastically, "Now that I know how to get here, I should be able to visit - I'll just have to arrange for someone who can fly or run fast to take me... It's far from the center of Ancient Fairy Dragon's domain, even if it's just on the outskirts."

"It can be arranged, don't worry," Regulus assured, facial expression not changing from his usual stern one. Yusei could hear the fondness in his tone though and could guess that he was happy Luka was making more friends.

Honestly, Yusei was too, especially since the twins would be going to live with their parents after all. They'd decided on it a couple weeks ago, sending out a short message to everyone in the group chat - they also sent the address, which they'd discovered was only a little bit away from one of the bullet train stops and about an hour and a half away, so it made it easy to go visit if they ever wanted them to.

From what he'd gathered based off the twins' tales about school, Lua made friends very quickly so he wasn't worried about him too much. Luka, being a little more shy, didn't do so but still would make a few in a good amount of time, so it was good for her to have a friend who she could still talk to, even if she'd moved away - there was no moving away from the spirit dimension after all, so she'd have a constant friend to talk to.

They stayed at the twins' for dinner considering most of the day was already gone, settling for an early meal that Judai whipped up quickly as no one had eaten anything since breakfast. Once they'd split the gifts they'd gotten, making sure everyone got the specific ones they'd picked out, they piled out of the apartment and barely managed to fit the bag into his storage unit on his bike.

"Whew! Perfect fit," Judai cheered, closing the compartment and locking it up before passing Yusei back the key. As he did so, though, Yusei noticed a little lump in his jacket pocket - considering it was the winter jacket (it was a foggy day, he blamed June gloom for the weird weather every week) it was a little more puffy, so it wasn't something he'd noticed before and based off the size, something that Judai wouldn't have felt due to the extra padding.

"You've got something in your pocket," Yusei pointed out, frowning lightly as he tried to figure out what it could be.

Judai blinked at him in confusion and looked down, quickly running a hand through his pockets before pulling out a flat little glass bottle and a note with very small writing on it. Yusei watched curiously as Judai squinted down at the note, reading it over a few times before looking back up at him with a tentative expression.

"It says that I, in other words the 'fluffy one with the strong energy', should drink it when I'm back home and that it lasts a day," Judai explained, "Doesn't say anything about what it actually does, though."

Yusei hummed, looking at the bottle with slight wariness - surely it wouldn't be too bad, right? The Aromages had seemed plenty nice enough, and they were pretty grateful for their help so he didn't think they'd give them something that'd hurt them at all.

Eventually he shrugged, giving him a small smile and reaching up to fold Judai's hand back over the bottle, "I think it'll be fine, but it's up to you if you want to. Think about it on the way back, okay?"

Judai hummed in agreement, giving him a small, thankful smile in return and hugging him before slipping the bottle back in his pocket and hopping up on the bike.

Yusei thought that it was cute just how quickly Judai latched back onto him this time around when he sat down as well - evidently he was in for some serious cuddling once they got back, potion or no potion to go along with it.

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