Lazy Boredom

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"I'm bored," Judai complained a couple hours later, flopped over on his stomach on top of Yusei on the couch with his head buried in a pillow. He'd been talking to Pharaoh for most of the time, but apparently he'd learned enough or the conversation had come to an end because the cat had wandered off out the window.

Yusei hummed, not at all bothered by the lazy laying about they were doing unlike Judai, and occupied himself with simply petting the other's ears to get him to relax. The tail was once again in his vision, in fact it was just off to the side thanks to their current position, and eventually became too tempting to resist teasing quickly as well - the immediate jump and pouty glare backwards at him was well worth it and cute, and he returned it with a smug smile.

"Thought you'd had enough of that," Judai muttered, though his frown easily smoothed out into a content smile as Yusei went back to paying attention to his ears.

"Sorry, but it was right there," Yusei apologized, pulling him up momentarily so he could stand up and stretch out his legs. They'd fallen asleep at some point during Judai's talk with Pharaoh, seeing as he'd let him stay in that position the entire time while he browsed on the tablet for anything new and interesting.

A fluffy tail hit his legs playfully once he was up before Judai sat up as well, looking up at him with a mischievous grin on his face while leaning his head on an arm on his leg, "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll understand when the time comes for you to be a half-cat. Somethin' to look forward to, right?"

"You're not going to just let me nap all day, are you?" Yusei sighed, smiling and patting him on the head when Judai nodded enthusiastically, "Oh well, I guess it's for a good cause. Anyway, can you think of anything to do?"

"You," Judai replied with a fanged, shit-eating grin.

Yusei gave him an unimpressed look, "Other than that."

"Damn it, you're becoming resistant to that," Judai noted with a sigh, looking off to the side as he tried to actually think of something to do this time, "...Pranks? We could rig something up for when the other two get back."

"Good enough," Yusei shrugged, not having a problem with it - he'd actually warned the other two discretely, making sure that Judai wasn't within his absurd hearing range, that it was a definite possibility that day, so at least they'd be expecting it. It was one of the first things that came to mind when he thought of an actual, foxy, mischievous Judai, so he agreed to it easily, "You have all those arts and crafts supplies up in the closet, right? Will that be enough for it?"

"Yeah, it'll be enough!" Judai assured him, hopping up off the couch and sidling up to his side, latching onto his arm and tugging him along. They stumbled slightly as they got used to the uneven distribution of weight and Yusei was sure for a split second that Judai was going to accidentally pull him down to the floor, but they didn't and they continued up the stairs well enough.

"You're very huggy today," Yusei noticed, raising an eyebrow at him when he didn't unlatch himself once they got in the room. He wasn't complaining of course - Judai was warm, after all, and it was always nice to have cuddly hugs with him.

"Says the one who's been fixated on my fox stuff all day," Judai retorted, pulling him down for a short kiss, "You're touchy, but not this touchy usually."

Yusei huffed in amusement - he wasn't wrong, obviously; Judai was so cute, though, that he really couldn't help it, especially when Judai himself had been the one to tell him he was allowed to do it all he wanted when he worried about it for the first and only time.

He leaned down and stole another kiss from him, chuckling afterwards, "Come on, help me pull out the boxes mister foxy fox. Let's make sure this prank is a good one."

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