Arts and Crafts

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If there was one thing Yusei didn't expect to see when he looked up from his laptop, it was Judai carefully peeling open a can of paint in the middle of the living room and surrounded by boxes.

"What... are you doing?" he asked, not surprised in the slightest that Judai had finally gotten bored enough of sitting around all day and bought stuff to entertain himself with. Still, it didn't change the fact that he was confused about what he trying to accomplish with this.

"Hm? Oh, this?" Judai blinked, looking up at the question before smiling brightly at him, "I bought a whole bunch of arts and crafts stuff! I wanted to try my hand at it, so I bought a little of everything."

Well, at least that explained where Jack and Haou had pulled all that random stuff from for their competitions.

"So what're you trying first?" Yusei asked idly, standing up and wincing at the pop he heard when he stretched. It was about time he took a break, anyway, and this way he could make sure Judai hadn't bought anything too insane - the last thing he wanted was another explosion or something in the living room, though at least Judai had been smart enough to buy what looked like a picnic blanket to put on the ground underneath him just in case.

...Huh, that was an idea. A picnic, maybe at that little viewing spot he'd shown Judai before? He'd have to ask him later when Judai didn't look so excited to share what was on his mind, he didn't want to interrupt that.

"Painting!" Judai chirped, holding up the now-open paint can and pointing at the canvas that was suddenly in front of him, "To be honest, I've actually done this a bit before while I was travelling, so I already know I like it. I just wanted to start off with something I already knew so I could tear into the supplies a bit."

Yusei hummed in response, looking on with genuine interest. He'd never gotten too much into the art side of things, unless you counted blueprints and putting together his runner from scratch; there simply hadn't been room for such topics in the Satellite aside from the occasional writing utensils and paper that generally found their way to the orphanage, so it was a relatively new concept for him still.

"You know any of the theory behind it?"

"Eh... I know a little about color theory and proportions, but you know me, I generally just learn by doing so that's what I did."

"Wanna tell me what you do know, then? I don't know anything about this stuff, it's interesting."

"Sure! Come on, first help me wash some stuff in the kitchen and fill the water cups, then we can get started," Judai smiled, his eyes lighting up in excitement at the prospect.

They were both messes of paint by the end of two hours, but to Yusei, the sight of Judai splattered in rainbows of paint and laughing happily was beautiful and well worth the trouble.

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