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"Judai, I swear to the stars, you better have painkillers with you," Yusei muttered out when Judai walked into the bedroom. He was laying on the bed with a pillow over his head, presumably to block out as much light as possible to deal with his headache.

"Yeah, I got 'em," Judai replied, feeling a bit guilty for Yusei's current state. To be fair, it'd been so long ago that he'd started materializing monsters that he'd forgotten losing all your reserves like that the first few times not only made you extremely tired, but came with severe headaches as well. Not only that, but he'd had the bonus of being part duel monster as well, which made the headaches just a bit easier to deal with due to his constitution.

Yusei did not have that, clearly, though at least he wasn't curled up into a ball in agony. Judai was fairly sure at this point that Yusei had a ridiculously high pain tolerance for these sorts of things, especially when he took into account just how long it took him to pass out that time he'd extracted the reactor leech off of him.

With a groan, Yusei shoved the pillow off of him and sat up carefully, trying not to aggravate his headache any more than it already was. Judai was quick to hand off the pills and the can of soda, which Yusei gave him a slightly confused look for before shrugging and popping the can open.

"Taking it with caffeine makes it work almost twice as fast," Judai explained, smiling at the way Yusei's eyes seemed to light up at the thought, "Yeah, I learned that one from Yugi - apparently one of his friends that was prone to getting into fights in their high-school days picked up that tid-bit when they showed up at the clinic for the nth time. Must've been a hell of a story behind it too since Yugi looked like he wanted to burst out laughing when he was telling me."

"I wish I'd learned that way earlier," Yusei sighed, putting the soda off to the side, "The more you know, I suppose."

Judai climbed onto the bed with him, being careful not to jostle it too much for Yusei's sake, before gently pushing him back down to rest. He remained hovering over him, reaching out with a hand to softly brush the hair out of the other's face and pressing a light kiss to his forehead.

"Is it more like a tension headache or a migraine?" Judai asked quietly, continuing to play with a few strands of Yusei's hair while he studied him.

"I have no clue what the difference is," Yusei murmured, eyes closing to block out the extra visual stimulus to try and lessen the pain.

Judai hummed in response, moving his hand to press slightly against where he knew a pressure point was right behind his ear, "Well, tell me if this hurts or helps then." He waited a second for Yusei to nod ever-so-slightly before pressing down on both that point and another one that he could reach that was lower down and right where the head meets the neck.

Almost immediately, Yusei let out a sigh of relief, pushing back into his fingers with a tilt of his head, "Oh my stars."

"Definitely a tension headache, then."

"I don't care what it's called, just keep doing that and we're good."

"There's ones on both sides, if you want me to-"

Yusei sat up, interrupting him with a demanding look that was ruined slightly by how his eyes unfocused for a second from sitting up too fast, "Do whatever you have to, just help me."

Judai laughed, shifting behind him and pulling him to sit in between his legs while he reached up and started pressing on pressure points on both sides of his head. Yusei practically melted into his hands in relief at having the pain pushed away for a bit.

"You've gotta teach me this later," Yusei said after a few moments of composing himself.

"Will do," Judai replied, pressing a soothing kiss to his neck. He may have caused the issue, but at least he was able to help get rid of it as well.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now