High in the Sky

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Yusei gripped onto Judai for dear life, barely being given a second's warning before the other shot up into the sky with a single strong push of his wings. The cold air rushed past them, though they both had the foresight to wear thicker jackets so they wouldn't freeze - even if it was summer and it was warm, it wasn't going to be when they were actively flying around and high up in the air.

At least he'd retained his dignity somewhat and hadn't yelped too loudly in surprise when Judai swept him up off his feet, even if his face was burning in embarrassment. He'd instinctively buried his face into Judai's shoulder when he took off, too, so the cool air couldn't even reach his face to cool it off.

"Scared?" Judai teased, tightening his grip on him and keeping that way, which slowly made Yusei able to relax his own arms from around the other's neck.

"Not at all," Yusei replied, feeling adrenaline start to pump through him as he shook off his embarrassment in favor of pulling away to get a look at their surroundings, "Excited, actually."

"You sure you're not an adrenaline junkie?" Judai laughed, leaning back slightly as he idly flapped his wings in a hover.

"Might be," Yusei breathed, breath taken away by the sight of all the city lights and the realization of just how high up Judai had managed to take them in the span of a few seconds. It was something he hadn't been able to appreciate before when he was too busy trying not to die; it looked beautiful, and when combined with all the different sensations he was getting from the wind and Judai's warmth, it made for a very unique feel that he decided he very much liked.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Judai murmured, Yusei nodding and humming softly in agreement. Silence fell over them for little bit as they took the time to truly drink in everything the view had to offer. At some point Yusei let his head fall back on Judai's shoulder as he continued to stare out peacefully, smiling happily when Judai placed a kiss on his forehead.

"Hey, think you could take a picture of this?" Yusei asked, tilting his head up and blinking when he noticed the light glow to Judai's eyes, the same color as Yubel's - how hadn't he noticed that before? Surely they would've been glowing this whole time since he'd summoned his wings out...

Oh, right, he was much more focused on the huge, very real wings on his boyfriend that made him look like a sexy devil or something along those lines - all he needed was some horns and a pointed tail to complete the look. It simply wasn't fair how Judai could go all the way from ridiculously cute to ridiculously handsome and cool in the span of two seconds, even during the times where he wasn't transformed like this.

"I figured you might want one," Judai chuckled, a shadowy tendril revealing a certain stolen camera from Jack's room, "so I made sure to bring this."

Yusei smiled in appreciation, saying, "Thanks. I just thought it'd be nice for my laptop as a background... seems like it'd be calming or something along those lines, plus it's a really nice memory at that point."

"A really nice memory, huh?" Judai mused, glancing down at him with a mischievous look that made him raise his eyebrows at him in confusion, "How about this, then?"

Yusei barely caught a glimpse of the camera being moved away before Judai was leaning down and catching his lips with his. He blinked questioningly but went along with it after a second, letting his eyes close as he readjusted his arms around his neck and leaned up into the kiss, which was turning out to be slow and sweet.

They slowly pulled apart, Yusei feeling vaguely like his breath had been stolen away as he rested his head on Judai's shoulder again while the other smiled softly down at him. Maybe... was it the high altitude? He was breathing pretty heavily, now that he was paying attention to it, and the altitude difference was the only reason he could think of for the difference.

"Ah, here we go," Judai said, redirecting his attention back to him from his breathing. He was grinning at the camera being held up in front of him, which Yusei glanced over at before he felt his face heat up slightly thanks to what was shown on the display.

It was them kissing in the middle of the air with the city lights down below in the background; as Judai unashamedly scrolled through the pictures, he saw both close-ups of them and far-away shots where they were simply dark silhouettes against the bright, colorful lights below.

Either way, looking at them made him feel oddly... shy, he supposed, sheerly due to the practically tangible intimacy they gave off. He'd seen themselves kiss in the mirror numerous times, mainly whenever Judai decided he felt like trapping him against their bathroom sink, but it wasn't the same as having the moment eternalized like this and put right in front of him for his viewing pleasure.

Ultimately, though, he decided that he liked the pictures. He really liked that they both looked so happy with each other, and the whole aesthetic with the lights and the shape Judai's wings added to their silhouette was nice to look at.

"Good idea," Yusei eventually said, laughing at the comical sigh of relief Judai gave at the praise.

"Oh good, you went silent for a little while there and I wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing with this," Judai explained, putting the camera safely away again before starting to move around in the air, "Now then, let's explore a little!"

"Do some tricks," Yusei replied cheekily, narrowing his eyes at him in challenge when Judai raised an eyebrow down at him, "What? This is fun, plus you're way too good to drop me."

"...Definitely an adrenaline junkie."

"Shh, that's a well-kept secret, my cute Winged Kuriboh."

"Goddammit Yusei-"

"You have wings right now, so you're my Winged Kuriboh, don't even try to tell me you're not."

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