Fluffy Kuribohs

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Seeing as they wouldn't be done for at least an hour, Judai took it upon himself to pass the time by cooking up lunch. Boiling the water to make pasta would take most of the time at least, so it was easy while not taking too short a time to prepare.

Sure enough, by the time it was all ready, multiple choices of sauces available, they'd finished their project. Judai still wasn't sure what it was, but they had... some sort of little tech gadget on the table and a bunch of filled out worksheets, so they'd clearly gotten it done.

Homework and technical stuff like that wasn't really his forte.

"I made pasta for lunch, come get what you want!" he yelled out from the kitchen, pulling down bowls from the cabinets. The twins cheered and were quick to assemble their food how they liked and dig in. Yusei gave him another grateful smile, which made him significantly happier once again.

"Thanks for the food!" Lua said, barely pausing before going back to eating. Luka echoed his statement, though she did it much more calmly and most importantly, before shoving food into her mouth.

Once everyone was done and the dishes were piled up in the sink, Judai gathered everyone around the couch, chairs pulled up as needed. He made sure to grab his duel disk before he sat down, turning it on into standby mode. The duel spirits in the room hovered around them in curiosity, though only Winged Kuriboh seemed to realize what he was doing as he came to float by his shoulder.

"Alright, I promised to show you guys something cool when you finished," Judai said, pulling out Winged Kuriboh's card from his deck and placing it on the disk, channeling a bit of his power with practiced ease, "So, here we go - meet my partner, Winged Kuriboh."

With that, Winged Kuriboh materialized in the room, fluffy fur and wings as real as can be. The twins shouted in excitement, giggling when Winged Kuriboh floated over to them and landed on Lua's head.

"So you can materialize them," Luka said, reaching over and petting Winged Kuriboh, who cried happily, "I was getting kind-of curious if you could, to be honest." Winged Kuriboh let his paws fall over Lua's eyes playfully, causing the boy to stumble around in confusion while laughing.

"This is so cool! He's like- like you and Aki combined, sis!"

Judai didn't know who Aki was, but apparently they could materialize monsters; probably something to ask Yusei about later, as they were probably a part of what he'd meant earlier by knowing more people who could materialize spirits than see them.

"It's pretty cool, isn't it? Normally it takes a lot of energy to keep them here, especially for the higher level monsters, but the duel disk helps out a lot with energy management," he added, leaving out the extra bit about how his powers over the Gentle Darkness meant he could hold Winged Kuriboh here with no problem without the duel disk. From the knowing look Yusei was giving him though, the taller duelist had figured out the information he was withholding.

"C-Could you summon Kuribon too?" Luka asked.

Judai grinned and nodded, and soon enough the girl was shyly holding out the duel spirit's card to him. He made sure to take it carefully before putting it onto the disk as well, causing Kuribon to pop into existence with their ribbon floating around them. Kuribon plopped themselves down on Luka's head just like Winged Kuriboh had onto Lua's, exchanging happy cries with the other duel monster and bopping the girl underneath them with their tail lightly.

Judai glanced over at Yusei, giving him a knowing smile and motioning for him to come closer. With a slightly sheepish look, he did so and held out Junk Synchron's card to him, the duel spirit tackling Yusei over in excitement with his scarf trailing behind him the second Judai put his card on the disk. He couldn't hold back a laugh at the slight huff Yusei gave from being slammed in the gut before giving the excitable orange duel monster a fond smile.

"Lua, you got anyone you want materialized?" he asked, not wanting the boy to be left out. Sure enough, the boy pulled a card out of his deck and gave it to him, Winged Kuriboh being kind enough to move his paws so he could see and do so.

'Morphtronic Magnen', huh? That's an archetype he'd never heard of before, it would be interesting to duel against the boy and see what it does.

Once Magnen was summoned, Winged Kuriboh floated back over to Judai and flopped over in his lap, giving room for the duel monster to interact with their partner. Lua was utterly ecstatic at finally being able to talk with one of his own cards, and the two hit it off immediately, though it seemed like Magnen had the same circumstance as the Kuribohs did where only their partners and other duel monsters could understand what they were actually saying; Junk Synchron could because he was more humanoid in shape, and underneath the scarf he actually had a hidden 'mouth' built in.

Yusei joined him on the couch shortly with Junk Synchron chattering away, and together they watched the twins play with their partners.

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