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Yusei sighed to himself as he watched Judai tap away at his phone, looking entirely too pleased with himself and clearly planning something for the next day. It was apparently a good thing he'd prepared for this, having already put in a notice for work that he wouldn't be available that day (to his exasperation, the email he received in response was filled with early birthday wishes), because Judai didn't do things in halves.

He didn't say a word about it, though, and pretended he didn't see the varying levels of ecstatic looks all three of the others got on their faces whenever they glanced at him. It was nice to see everyone so... happy, and over something so simple, too.

As it was, though, he was pulling double-time today and cracking down on his work as his own birthday present to himself - not having to worry about it for a day or two was always a nice feeling, and he found his productivity boosted greatly in excitement.

For once in his life, he was actually excited for his birthday.

...Yusei entirely blamed Judai. It was his fault, and he loved him for it.

His phone ringing brought his attention away from his brief break of watching Judai, and he picked it up quickly upon seeing that it was the twins, saying, "Hello?"

"H-Hello," Luka greeted, Lua chiming in from the background with one as well, "Are you um, busy right now?"

Yusei glanced at his laptop, mentally going over his check-list of things he wanted to get done and deciding that he was at a good enough place to stop - it was five in the afternoon, and he'd been working literally all day, so there were only one or two minor things he hadn't managed to get to.

"Not anymore," Yusei replied, smiling when he heard Lua cheer and Luka sigh in relief.

"We may have ah... d-dropped a box full of little gadgets Lua's collected over time," Luka explained, sounding a little sheepish, "It all looks fixable, b-but we don't know how to do it. Would it be alright if you came over for a little bit? I-I know it's getting close to dinner and all, so it's okay if you can't."

"It's not a problem," Yusei decided, shrugging to himself and taking another glance at Judai, who was looking at him questioningly, "I'll be over soon."

"Thank you!" Lua said after stealing the phone from Luka, "We'll get it all as sorted as we can before you get here so it's faster, don't worry." With that he hung up the phone, and Yusei was left chuckling at the twins' shenanigans as usual.

"You going to the twins'?" Judai asked curiously, watching him as he stood up and stretched after quickly saving everything and shutting off his laptop, "What happened?"

"They need some help fixing stuff," Yusei explained, "Figured I should just go now - from the sound of it it's just a lot of small toys and other little things, so it shouldn't take very long. Maybe an hour or two, depending on how bad it is."

Suddenly a thought came to mind, and he paused as he eyed Judai suspiciously, looking for any hints that this was a set-up of some sort. He wouldn't be surprised if it was somehow, but Judai seemed to be genuinely confused beforehand about what was happening, so he didn't think there was any plotting going on here. Then again, even if there was, he wasn't going to be able to do anything about it.

"Well, I'll make sure to save you dinner then," Judai smiled, standing up as well and following him over to the door where he tossed on his jacket and grabbed his keys, "Tell them I said 'Hi', okay?"

"Will do," Yusei agreed, pulling him close enough so that he could lean down and kiss him. He held Judai just tight enough to keep him in place, happy that the other got the hint and wrapped his arms around his neck to deepen it. They pulled apart after a minute or two, just barely enough so their lips were barely not touching, and they both grinned and laughed at the same time.

"I'll see you later, my cute Kuriboh," Yusei chuckled, pressing another quick kiss against his lips before fully pulling apart, "Love you."

"Love you too, you gearhead," Judai replied, smiling in embarrassment as he wasn't used to the nickname quite yet.

Just having Judai there is enough of a present, Yusei couldn't help think as he drove off, though I am curious to see what they all came up with.

Hopefully it wasn't too big of anything, as he specifically remembered telling Judai not to do that after all. It was just a matter of seeing if the other remembered, though so far, in Yusei's experience with him, he had a pretty good track record when it came to taking everything into account, so he wasn't too worried.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now