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"You guys are assholes," Judai scowled a couple hours later after his second win of the day, glaring at Jun and Edo, who merely smirked at him in response.

"Aw, not even a 'Thank you'?" Edo asked, tilting his head slightly like he was at all innocent, "Judai, you wound us, truly."

"Nice save in that little interview there, Mr. 'SupremeHERO'," Jun added with a snicker, leaning on the wall of the empty room they'd managed to find, "What was it you said? Oh yes, 'I'm honored to have been sponsored by such fantastic groups! I was surprised myself when they approached me with sponsorship offers!'"

"Yeah, well, maybe if you two had told me I wouldn't have had to save myself in the first place!" Judai exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air exasperatedly, "Not only that, but you told Yusei, right? What the hell did you bribe him with to get him to keep quiet about it?!"

"How'd you figure out we told him?" Edo blinked, frowning slightly in confusion, "I know he didn't tell you, or you wouldn't be asking in the first place."

"He was smiling guiltily while I was walking off the stage," Judai replied reluctantly with a sigh. He hadn't really wanted to tell them, but this was definitely worth it to know just what the hell it took to bribe Yusei of all people into keeping his silence. Granted, it was silence for something relatively positive and not harmful, but still! It was the principle of the matter!

"The fuck? You expect us to believe you can see that far?" Jun scoffed, giving him a clearly unconvinced stare. Judai simply stared back with his own deadpan look until Jun eventually groaned in acceptance, "Holy shit, you actually can. Let me guess, your hearing is insane too? Sense of smell?"

"Yes and yes," he replied, moving on quickly before they could get any more off-topic, "Now tell me, what'd you two do? Actually, why did you guys even tell him in the first place?"

"You don't exactly have a manager of any sort," Edo started explaining with a smile, though Judai was pretty sure that was because he was amused by Jun's dramatic reaction to Judai's abilities, "So we used him as your 'manager' because he's got all your info, and he agreed that having us sponsor you was a great idea. As for making sure he didn't tell you, well... we weren't actually successful in that area, to be honest. He ended up having to tell us what he wanted in exchange."

Oh boy, just what had Yusei agreed to? Judai wasn't sure whether Yusei being bribed or Yusei getting whatever he'd asked for was more worrying, because Yusei was not a materialistic person (with the exception of his runner and engineering parts).

"He asked for some pretty damn expensive mechanical parts, which okay, makes sense - but then he also added on that he wanted you to be able to ask for something," Jun continued for him, "So, here we are - ask away."

Okay, that wasn't nearly as bad as he thought it'd be. In fact, that was an extremely good outcome for all this - Yusei got the parts he needed for his projects and Judai would get... well, he had yet to think of what, but he'd get something at least. Just for this, Yusei had earned himself a little bit of mercy later. Still though, that was a lot to agree to just to catch him off-guard like this, especially for these two of all people.

"Wait wait wait, you guys just... agreed to it?" Judai asked, looking at them in disbelief, "Was pulling a fast one on me like this that important to you?"

"It was so worth it," Edo immediately answered, grinning widely, "We've got footage, and though other people probably won't be able to tell, to us your shock was clear as day the second he brought up sponsorship. That was hilarious."

"Oh man, and the way you managed to bullshit afterwards was fantastic," Jun said, laughing once again at Judai's misfortune, "I still can't get over how you managed to say all that with only a few annoyed twitches."

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up," Judai muttered darkly, though he was laughing with them after a few seconds as well at the whole situation. It was admittedly funny, after all, even if he was the butt of the joke.

"In all seriousness though, we're... kind-of making up for lost time," Edo explained, and really, that was all Judai needed to hear to understand where they were coming from.

"I- yeah, I got it," he replied softly, clapping his hands together a few moments later and grinning, "Well, I've got just the idea on what to ask for!"

"Oh? That was fast," Jun said, and Judai couldn't help but note that he'd relaxed slightly at the topic change - guess he'd never grown out of being a dramatic tsundere after all.

"Yep! Alright, here's what I want-"

Judai was going to have fun with this one.

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