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"Ah... we probably should've been a bit more careful," Judai mused later, handing out ice packs to the other three who were in various states of disarray across the living room.

"No shit," Jack groaned from his chair he'd grabbed from the kitchen, swiping the ice pack away from him quickly once he held it out and putting it to his side where Crow'd tackled him and he'd hit his desk, "You two are fucking idiots."

"Seconded," Yusei muttered, just loud enough to be heard by everyone else. He was sprawled across the couch and holding a hand up to his head, wincing at the cold of the ice pack when Judai pressed it into his hand to take it.

Judai laughed sheepishly, making sure he wasn't too loud, "It was Crow's idea?"

"Oh don't even start with that, it was your idea to pick the whole chair up," Crow scowled, back once again in the chair he'd pulled up before so he could duel with Judai, "All I said was that we needed to drag Yusei away from his computer - you took it too literally, though!"

"Okay okay, so maybe I was the one that came up with it," Judai admitted, though he was still grinning at this point as he continued, "You're the one that knocked down the chair, though, and Yusei with it."

"Jack pushed me!"

"Oh, so now you're blaming me?! You two are the ones at fault!"

"All of you, shut up."

Everyone fell silent at once, staring at Yusei with varying levels of wariness. The slightly-awkward silence continued for a good while, consisting of Yusei covering his face with one of the couch pillows whilst the other three shared a look; Jack glared at them and gestured with a scowl at Yusei, telling them to fix their shit before they made him worse.

Because, although Judai hadn't personally gotten to witness it yet, apparently when Yusei got legitimately upset and reached a breaking point, it was bad. Jack and Crow had tried to tell him a story about one of those times, but apparently it was a terrifying enough experience to make them forget half of what happened because they'd blocked it out - basically though, they'd teased and pushed him around a bit too much when they were children one time, and about a week into it Yusei finally snapped and made their lives a living hell in the most round-about ways possible.

Honestly, that just made Judai love Yusei even more though. How adorable was that, that he kept his nerdy, science-loving brain even when he was super mad at someone?

Right now though, he did feel pretty bad about being the reason Yusei'd gotten injured in the first place via getting shoved off the bed by a stumbling Crow and smacked in the head by the chair that fell after him, so he wasn't going to try and make this any worse. Unfortunately it'd happened the one second Judai glanced away from him, so he hadn't been able to catch him or the chair with his shadows, which made him feel even worse.

"...I'm sorry," Judai said quietly, rubbing the back of neck nervously, "We should've stopped when you said to stop."

Crow agreed, mumbling, "Yeah, that was pretty shitty of us. Sorry."

"...It's fine," Yusei replied, voice muffled by the pillow he refused to move away from his face, "Just... think twice next time, damn it. Be glad it wasn't a concussion."

All three of them slumped slightly in relief - disaster had been averted.

"Does anyone want a drink?" Judai said a minute later, not wanting to just stand awkwardly in the middle of the room anymore, "I'll go get it if you want."

"Water," Crow replied.

"Same," Jack said, which surprised Judai because he was expecting him to ask for coffee - maybe he just didn't think Judai would make it the right way? Eh, that was probably the reason - Jack was super picky after all, especially when it came to his coffee.

"Painkillers," Yusei said, and Judai couldn't have stopped the snort he made if he'd tried. A single blue eye poked out from under the pillow and gave him a scathing glare, making Judai smile sheepishly in apology.

"Sorry, sorry, I'll go get it now," Judai said, turning to the kitchen and getting the drinks quickly; he made sure he grabbed a soda for Yusei as well for the painkillers.

Poor guy, Judai kept putting him in situations where he ended up needing them. He'd have to make up for it later...

Later, as in when Yusei wasn't glaring at him with the strength of a thousand suns.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now