Cough Drops

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There was one thing Yusei hadn't accounted for, and that was that Judai was continuing to pop cough drops down like they were actually candy - only half a bag of two were left, to his chagrin, and it was barely reaching dinner time of Day Two. So, after accepting this fact and knowing what he had to do to fix this problem, he pulled out his phone when Judai wasn't looking and took a quick picture of the cough drop bag.

Yusei: crow help, can you please go get more of these?

Yusei: img_23547121.png

Yusei: judai has literally eaten through our entire stock in less than two days, it might partially be my fault for telling him it was candy but i had to because otherwise he wouldnt eat them

The reply didn't take long to get back to him, and it was about what he expected it to be.

Crow: wtf judai, damn he might be even worse than u when ur sick yusei

Crow: gotta admit tho that they do taste pretty good

Crow: guessing u need those exact ones, ill get like six of them just make sure u pay me back

Crow: i finish up here in twenty minutes so ill be back in thirty with the stop

Yusei: thanks

With that he put his phone back with a sigh, knowing already that when Crow got back and tossed him those cough drops that he definitely wouldn't be leaving the room without slipping a few photos of them. A nudge to his side grabbed his attention though, and he was met with a smiling Judai clinging to his arm and looking half-ready to climb into his lap.

Well, try to climb into his lap at least. He'd probably wobble over and roll right off because of all the blankets wrapped around him, which... was pretty funny to think about. Yusei couldn't decide if he wanted to see it happen or not, because it'd definitely be cute but also involve Judai inevitably rolling all the way off the bed - a decidedly bad thing right now.

Just as Yusei was about to ask him what he was up to, Judai leaned up and muffled his question with a kiss. He blinked in surprise but went along with it, seeing as he didn't really have to worry about getting sick himself considering it was purely a duel monster sickness. He didn't close his eyes this time, instead choosing to observe his face for once while they kissed; Judai tasted strongly of cherry cough drops, which wasn't a bad thing at all, and when Yusei coaxed his mouth open after a few seconds with a wandering tongue and a hand cupping the other's face, he was met with a half-dissolved cough drop and a quiet moan from Judai when he half-managed to steal it from him.

It was mesmerizing when Judai's eyes opened partly, brown orbs slightly glazed over as he automatically tried to steal it back and only ended up making himself have to close his eyes again at the feeling of their tongues brushing deliciously. Yusei couldn't help but smirk slightly into the kiss as they fought over the cough drop, which he eventually let Judai have back after a bit before pulling back with a chuckle.

"Those do taste good," he said, brushing Judai's cheek with his thumb and noting how cold his face was despite the light flush of pink that dusted it. He got a dazed hum of agreement in return, Judai hugging his waist and curling himself into him as much as he could, most likely to try and get as much of his warmth as possible. "Want another one?" he asked, already reaching for the bag before Judai even started to nod into his side.

This is pretty fun. With him being sick and all I thought it would be worse, though I did already prevent most of the issues by not leaving... Yusei thought to himself, not bothering to hold back his wide grin as Judai looked up at him and watched with wide eyes as he popped the cough drop into his own mouth before covering Judai's lips for another kiss.

They were getting more cough drops soon anyway, so they might as well use as many of what they have right now while they had the chance, right? Plus Yusei could cheat a little and just chew them away after they dissolved too much for them to have fun fighting over it, so they used up more in the process.

Yusei was just glad he had the willpower to stop just before Crow got back, because Judai certainly wasn't going to care about that at the moment, even if he would later; it was just so addicting to have Judai practically melting like putty from his kisses, gripping at him like he'd fall apart otherwise.

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