Working Late

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Yusei once again found himself on his laptop, engrossed in programs and data for putting the original reactor site back together - after all, the entire facility needed to work properly and efficiently for the reactor to be functional at all. Playing games with Judai was a nice way to relax, but really it was more of a short break than anything else. He would go right back to working most days, though admittedly not always on the reactor project; his motorcycle was sometimes his focus, while at others times it was personal project ideas he was hoping to eventually be able to patent or something.

Either way, he was tapping away at his laptop, his cup of coffee long since emptied and forgotten about in favor of focusing on his work. At least Yusei could say he truly enjoyed his work, unlike a lot of people in the world, so it's not like working for so long was a pain or anything.

"Yusei? Oi, Yusei..."

He blinked in confusion for a few moments before turning around to look at Judai, who yawned sleepily before rubbing at the sleep in his eyes.

"Oh, did I wake you up? Sorry," he said, smiling at the cute scene, "The typing can get kind of loud sometimes."

Judai stared at him uncomprehendingly for a few seconds, briefly looking at his phone before turning his gaze back to Yusei.

"Did you not sleep?" Judai asked sleepily, "It's like, six thirty in the morning."

Yusei glanced back at the clock on the wall and sure enough, it read that it was just reaching six thirty. Now that he was thinking about, he felt really tired, most likely due to the combination of both no sleep and coming down off a coffee high.

"Ah... I guess I didn't notice," he replied, slumping down slightly from the sudden wave of tiredness. Judai huffed at him before getting up and walking over.

"Alright, come on," Judai said, bopping him lightly on the head, "get up and go to bed, you look like you're about to fall asleep in your chair."

Yusei sighed at that, closing his eyes for a moment before hauling himself up and out of his chair. He really didn't want to have to go up the stairs right now though, so he did the next best thing instead - he walked over to the couch and flopped down on it, the Winged Kuriboh plushy serving as a rather comfortable pillow. Judai had followed after him, looking on in amusement from the side of the couch.

Suddenly, Yusei's sleep-deprived brain came up with what he's sure was the most brilliant idea he'd had to date.

"I mean, I guess that works too," Judai mused, the smile more in his voice right now than in his face considering he was still not fully awake at this point, "I was going to go make breakfast eventu-"

He yelped quietly in surprise as he was pulled down onto the couch and easily moved so Yusei was comfortably hugging him. Yusei could finally get his revenge for the other day! Yes! Well, that and Judai was like a living heater at the moment - he'd noticed it when he came over and hit him on the head.

Also, considering what had happened a few days beforehand where Judai was insistent on continuing to hug, Yusei didn't really feel bad about doing this, regardless of how sleepy he was; he was pretty confident at this point that Judai would like this as much as he did, or at least wouldn't reject it outright.

"Y-Yusei-" Judai hissed out quietly in shock, face flushing a light pink as Yusei continued adjusting him to the point that it felt like he was cuddling a teddy bear instead.

"You're warm. Be quiet and just go to sleep," Yusei stated, digging his head further into the make-shift pillow behind him before closing his eyes and slowly drifting away. He felt Judai mumble out a few more protests before he relaxed in his arms, evidently still tired enough to be able to go back to sleep from the way his breathing soon leveled out.

Now this was a damn nice way to fall asleep - Yusei felt like he was in cloud nine for those last few lucid moments before he was out like a light.

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