Spicy Food

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"You planned this," Jack hissed out the second they returned, turning around in his chair to growl at them. They'd gotten back before Crow had it seemed, so they'd get to be the ones to face Jack's initial wrath.

"I asked them to," Martha glared at him, giving him a light smack to the back of the head in admonishment, "Now, pay attention to the rest of this. If you can't answer my questions about it we're going over the whole lesson again."

Jack grumbled but complied, crossing his arms with a huff as Martha jumped right back into lecturing him about job structure and management like nothing had happened.

"Let's go start on dinner," Yusei whispered into Judai's ear, smiling at the small nod he received in return and tugging him along by the hand to the kitchen. They both made sure to give Martha a smile and a short wave before they entered Jack's line of sight so that they didn't accidentally make him any angrier - at least he was actually listening to her, which was better than any of them had been able to achieve with him.

"Can I just say that that's hilarious?" Judai said quietly with a grin once they were safely inside the kitchen, "Because that right there was and is hilarious."

"If there's one person in the world that can get Jack to get his shit together, it's Martha," Yusei agreed, barely holding back an amused snort at how Judai was biting his lip to hold back his laughter. He raised an eyebrow at him instead, which only made Judai grin wider and have to bring a hand up to cover his mouth just in case he started laughing.

"Come on, what should we make? We've got some time before those two are done, so we can make just about anything," Yusei asked, opening the fridge and grabbing a soda - he was in the mood for something cold and he needed the slight bit of caffeine it contained because that little bit of sleepiness hadn't worn off ever since he took that accidental nap earlier. He passed Judai one as well when he noticed his eyes lit up at the sight of the drink, getting a peppy 'thanks' in return before said can was popped open and chugged down.

"Damn I needed that," Judai sighed happily, smiling sheepishly afterwards when he noticed Yusei giving him an amused stare, "Hey man, I was thirsty. Anyway, let's just make stir-fry again, it's been a while since we had that. And it's simple."

"Sounds good to me," Yusei shrugged, finally cracking open his own drink and sipping at it. Unlike Judai, he'd actually deigned to drink from the many water fountains the Kaiba Dome contained; they had a filter system and he personally knew that janitors were specifically instructed to clean them after events (something about liability or whatever), so it's not like he didn't have a reason to. Plus, the cold water helped keep him awake, so that was all the more reason to drink it.

Judai rummaged through the cabinets while he did so, pulling out different spices and oils and asking, "Spicy or not? I'm pretty sure we've got the right stuff for a good spicy stir-fry, and- ah, here it is, we've got sesame oil too so we could use that."

"I'll eat anything, and so will everyone else," Yusei answered, humming to himself in thought before mentioning, "I haven't really eaten much spicy food either, so that'll be new."

Judai paused to turn and stare at him, though Yusei couldn't really place the expression he was wearing before a determined look took it over instead as he stated, "Well then, spicy it is. Here, lemme teach you about the stuff that goes into it..."

He blinked in slight confusion, but soon enough Yusei was too engrossed with the information being thrown at him about different spices and vegetables to think too much about it. He did find himself getting pecked on the cheek an awful lot though while they were cooking.

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