Back to Boredom

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"Huh, never thought I'd see the day where I witnessed Yusei wearing casual wear," Crow noted idly, blinking over the railing at the sight of Yusei wearing his new hoodie and typing away at his computer.

"I figured it'd be a good change in pace for him," Judai grinned from the couch, leaning his head back to look up at him, "Look, we match too, see?" He tugged his own hoodie out by the bottom so that the design was facing straight up so Crow could see it - granted, it was upside-down, but it was the thought that counted.

Crow hummed good-naturedly, standing back up from leaning over the railing so he could come downstairs instead, pulling over a chair so he could sit across from Judai, "So anyway, I'm guessing Yusei's back to work?"

"Yeah," Judai sighed, looking over along with Crow at him - Yusei was in his own world yet again, completely oblivious for the most part to the things happening around him. He continued, saying, "They sent him a bunch of stuff to look over and start working on. I caught a glimpse of it, but really, it was all a bunch of random nonsense to me."

"Yusei's definitely the computer genius here," Crow snorted, smiling fondly as Yusei sub-consciously grabbed the coffee mug next to him and drank while not even looking away from the screen for a second, "I may know my way around duel runners and household appliances pretty well, but computers and stuff? No way in hell."

Judai hummed in agreement, flopping over sideways on the couch after a moment and sighing, "Well, I'm really bored, so if you wanna play cards or a board game or something I'm completely down."

"I dunno, tell me - how good's your luck compared to Haou's?" Crow asked, raising an eyebrow while quirking a grin at him, "Because I'd like to have a chance, at least."

Judai startled ever so slightly at the casual mention of Haou, still not quite used to anyone except him and Yusei knowing that he even existed in the first place. It was... rather nice, to be honest, to have someone else recognize his existence though, let alone recognize that he was a separate person from him - he just wasn't used to it after keeping it a secret for so long.

Based on the little bit of emotion that he felt pop up in the back of his mind, Haou felt the same, though he'd definitely never admit it out loud.

"I'll have you know my luck is not luck, it's skill," Judai joked, chuckling slightly when Crow rolled his eyes dramatically, "Anyway, why don't we find out in a duel?"

"I'm always down for a duel," Crow replied, pulling his deck out of the deck holder he happened to be wearing at the moment, "I've been wanting to duel you for a while anyway. You and Haou both, I suppose, since your decks are different."

"Well, technically I can use his deck, but I usually leave it to him to use," Judai said, sitting up with a huff and grabbing his deck off the table to shuffle it - he'd been going through and updating his Neo-Spacians a bit earlier, so he happened to have it on hand, "Besides, his deck's not really my style. Plus, I just updated this one so I need to test it out and make sure I didn't mess it up at all."

"Is that the one you used in the tournament?" Crow asked curiously, shuffling his own deck as well.

Judai shook his head, answering, "Nah, it's something you couldn't have seen yet. Unique archetype, can't really use them in public yet until I come up with a reason for owning the cards - Carly's helping me out with that one though, so I'll probably start using them eventually."

"That's right! You met Carly, huh?" Crow grinned wickedly, "Isn't it hilarious?"

Judai took note of the emphasis on 'it', realizing that Jack was just upstairs and could come barging out of his room at any moment and overhear them,before matching his grin with his own and replying, "It is indeed hilarious, we traded numbers so I can text her the stuff that he won't tell her."

Crow laughed at that, "Figured you two would get along well. Anyway, a unique archetype, huh? Can't wait to face it."

"Can't wait to use it again," Judai admitted, giving his deck a fond smile before looking back up, "Alright, let's duel!"

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now