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"Your fever's officially gone now," Judai grinned two days later, holding up the thermometer for Yusei to see, "Know what that means?"

"I'm not sick anymore?" Yusei asked amusedly, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well, obviously that, but you also get this back!" Judai announced dramatically, holding up Yusei's laptop that he'd hidden in a drawer just so he could present it like that.

"At this point, I care more about you not biting me anymore," Yusei muttered, though he took the laptop eagerly with a small smile and immediately opened it to go through some things.

Judai was quick to capitalize on the distraction, leaning over behind him on the bed and whispering lowly in his ear, "You sure? Because I love how you look when I do." He nibbled softly on the tip of Yusei's ear, laughing with a shit-eating grin when Yusei pushed him away with slightly wide-eyes and pink cheeks.

"Judai!" Yusei reprimanded, looking so adorably embarrassed that Judai couldn't help laugh more.

"Aw, come on, it's true!" he retorted, pulling Yusei into a hug and making sure his face was still visible to him so he didn't pull away out of fear of getting bitten, "I even made sure they were easily covered!"

Yusei grumbled but didn't hesitate to kiss back when Judai pulled him into one, smiling cheekily the entire time. Judai ended up peppering his entire face with kisses in the end just so he could hear Yusei's beautiful laugh and make him smile too.

"Thanks for the soup and stuff," Yusei said after a few minutes, finally calming down from his embarrassment.

"What kinda boyfriend would I be if didn't do that for ya?" Judai replied, finally relaxing as well - now that Yusei was healthy again, a tension in his body that he didn't know he had disappeared.

Yusei hummed, and soon Judai found himself being tugged further onto the bed and lightly pushed down to lay his head in Yusei's lap; he sighed softly as fingers started playing idly with his hair, enjoying the fact that he didn't have to worry anymore for the moment.

"Rest for a bit, you look tired," Yusei murmured, leaning down and kissing his temple lightly.

"That noticeable, huh?" Judai replied, curling up and grabbing onto Yusei's hoodie to snuggle into it.

"Only to me."

He hummed in response, closing his eyes and listening contentedly to the sound of Yusei tapping away at the keyboard. It greatly amused him that he could type that fast with only one hand, considering he still had one on Judai's head that was scratching lightly and making him nearly fall asleep.

He says nearly, because right when he could feel himself starting to drift he was woken up by a light bite to his neck that made him yelp.

"Damn it Yusei!" Judai whined, his face heating up as he realized what'd happened. He looked on with dread as Yusei stared at him with narrowed eyes filled with mirth and a small, mischievous grin that made his heart do flips in his chest.

"My turn," Yusei stated simply, one hand clamping down firmly on Judai's arm to keep him in place while the other brushed Judai's hair away from his face and neck.

This had to be karma coming back to bite him in the ass- actually no, the neck, karma was coming back to bite him in the neck, literally.

"If you heal fast, does that mean these will too?" Yusei mused in between, "Probably, right? Then that means I can find the sensitive spots all over and not have to worry about you needing to hide them."

All Judai could do was bite his lip and try not to lose himself while cursing his healing abilities for once in his life.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now