Guild Name?

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"Well, that does it," Judai sighed, looking at their quest log in relief, "Sheesh, this guild creation quest takes way too long."

"It's probably just so they have more active guilds," Yusei hummed, though he did agree that the quest chain took a bit too long for his liking - it'd taken a full two days for them to finish it, playing whenever they could. If it had just been the two of them, it would've probably taken as long as that one hidden quest had taken them, but the good thing about the guild creation quest was it let you split the item collection and duels between multiple people; Judai's friends and Jack and Crow had logged in and helped out whenever they had the time, which helped a lot with making it go faster.

"Yeah, but still... anyway, should I be the guild leader or should you?" Judai asked, looking at him thought, "Whichever of us it is, they have to be the one to turn in the quest."

"You be it," Yusei immediately replied, not even having to think about it. Guild leaders were the ones with access to the guild's layout and cosmetics, as well as upgrades, so that was all Judai's to mess with. He was just along for the ride and for the actual card rewards and rare skills.

They still needed decks and skills for non-tag duels after all, even if they would hardly get used. The two had yet to log-in without the other at any point in time, so really, they would just be for tournament usage. Well, and PVP rewards - some of the cosmetic items Judai wanted were rewarded for doing well in traditional duels in the arena, so they both would need decks to get them through that.

At least it was pretty fun to duel here, the aesthetics made duels feel just as interesting as turbo duels half the time.

"Okay then," Judai grinned, grabbing Yusei's hand before dragging him away through the town, "To the town hall we go!"

Yusei smiled and nodded, though he still wasn't completely used to the hearts aura that popped up every time they held hands. He'd never admit to it, but sometimes, right after they'd played the game for a couple hours, he'd grab Judai's hand outside of it and get confused when no pink and white hearts suddenly popped up in the air around them.

...Maybe they were playing this game too much, but it was doing wonders for Judai's public image and his, surprisingly enough, so they'd keep playing. Apparently Yusei really needed to show his face to the public more, because the media was using him as their figurehead in encouraging people from Satellite and the city to get along well, and a lot of their shots of him came straight from the game and him interacting with people in town of all ages and backgrounds.

Not something he'd expected to happen in the slightest, but definitely something he'd support. Judai's sunny disposition only helped to further their cause as well, since in his records he's listed as being from the city; thus, they had somehow turned into being not just a fan favorite couple, but also the leading representatives of Satellite and city relationships.

Ridiculous, but whatever works, works, Yusei supposed. They hadn't even known anything about the impact they were having on all of this until Edo told them about it the other day while they were grinding out the quest items. Jack had been with them at the time and he simply laughed at their ignorance - apparently even he had known about it as people talked about it at the cafe all the time.

He'd never understand the obsession people could develop for this kind of stuff, personally. Yusei did have a theory, though, that some of the popularity stemmed from the magic of their titles. It'd make sense and explain the rapid way it spread through the entire population of Neo Domino, at least.

"Oh hey, it's Sho! Hey, what's up man!" Judai waved, noticing the other standing by the town hall.

"Hey guys," Sho replied, sending them a short wave back as they walked up to him, "Did you finish the quest?"

"We did," Yusei confirmed, giving him a nod in greeting, "We were just going to turn it in, Judai'll be the leader."

"All the hard work paid off, then," Sho grinned, before giving them a questioning look, "What are you going to name it?"

Yusei glanced at Judai, noting that he was now looking at him with a stare that was just as blank as his was, replying, "We... forgot to come up with one."

"Seriously?" Sho said, giving them an exasperated look.

"We were so focused on getting the quest done that we completely forgot," Judai said, laughing sheepishly afterwards while looking up in thought, "What would be a good name though?"

"We could base it off duel monster names?" Yusei suggested, though he was just as lost as Judai seemed to be.

"Nah, that'd be too specific... Oh, what about uh- actually no, not that one..."

"Something to do with stars? We've kind-of got that theme going on so far and we're planning on the star cosmetics for the hall anyway."

"Cosmic Heroes? Starlight? Star Destroyers- no, definitely not that one."

Yusei hummed, suddenly thinking about circumstances that had brought them here in the first place, "Chronostars?"

Judai and Sho stared at him, and just when he was about to worry that he'd said something terribly wrong Judai broke into a grin, "Perfect! It's got a pun, a star name, and an inside-joke that no-one but us will get! It's perfect!"

"Of course you'd end up with something like that as the guild name," Sho said, though he was smiling in approval, "Wouldn't mind having that as a tag though at all, it sounds cool regardless of meaning."

Yusei looked to the side in happy embarrassment, proud that he'd come up with a good name and also very glad, not for the first time, that his face couldn't turn red in embarrassment too.

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