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According to Yusei, he was free on the day of the tournament as long as he got ahead of his work, which was something he generally did anyways. They worked together to sign up for the tournament before texting Carly and asking when she had a free day to come over and help them figure out a cover story for everything they still needed it for; she said she was available pretty much any time in the next week, which worked well for them.

Two days later, they found themselves cleaning the apartment up the day before she was supposed to come over because someone had decided it was a fantastic idea to try and upgrade some of his runner's parts by himself for some reason.

"Why didn't you just ask me to do it?" Yusei sighed, looking over the soot-covered area of the living room with a slightly despondent look on his face.

Jack scowled and looked away to try and hide his embarrassment, "It was simple!"

"Obviously not simple enough, or you wouldn't have caused a mini-explosion in our living room," Judai remarked. He found the whole thing rather funny, to be honest, because the part Jack had been working with hadn't had anything in it that could explode like that in the first place, meaning the man had added it in himself somehow. On the other hand though, he was kind-of annoyed because now they had to clean the stupid ash from the living room, and that stuff was a pain in the ass to get rid of.

"Take a picture of it," Haou suddenly said, causing Judai to blink in surprise. He felt his eagerness to make this happen, and really, Judai couldn't deny him much when he was actually happy about something for once. This budding rivalry between him and Jack was turning out to be a good thing in the long run, and not just for entertainment purposes.

He pulled out his phone and started snapping pictures of the ruined room from where they stood at the top of the stairs, grinning at the way both Haou and Yubel starting cackling wildly in response.

"Well, we should probably get started on clean... ing..." Yusei started to say, trailing off once he noticed what Judai was doing and leading to Jack looking over at him as well instead of glaring at the wall.

"You're taking pictures?!" Jack exclaimed, immediately trying to grab the phone from him, "Give that to me!"

Judai easily dodged away with a slightly maniacal laugh, continuing to take the occasional photo or two despite having all that he needed. After a minute or so of running around, he started taking pictures of Jack chasing after him instead, eventually throwing his phone up in the air and grabbing onto it with a shadow so that Jack had no way of reaching it.

"It's only fair! You and Crow have your own pictures to make fun of Yusei and I, so we get to do the same!" Judai stated, seeing Yusei nod in agreement with him from where he'd moved to lean on the railing to watch the spectacle.

"Damn you and your stupid fucking shadows."

"Oh yeah, by the way, Haou says 'Hi' and to tell you that it was his idea in the first place."

Judai wasn't expecting the tackle that came at him, and he laughed as he fell into the soot and started to grapple with Jack.

"Switch with me," Haou demanded, and Judai easily conceded, making sure wink at Yusei and blow him a kiss with a wave before falling back.

This apartment was definitely going to get dirtier from ash getting kicked up before they could start to clean.

365 Days of Starshipping (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now