Summer Heat

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"Oh my gods, I'm dying," Judai nearly cried, flopping on the couch and lazily dragging the fan over from the corner of the room with a shadow, "Wasn't it literally raining like, a week and a half ago? Stupid weather."

"It's not too bad," Yusei replied across from him, looking as unperturbed as ever - as if it wasn't insanely hot at the moment, even with all the windows wide open and multiple fans set to the highest settings.

Judai knew he was feeling the heat, too. The sweat starting to drip down his arm was evidence of that.

Speaking of which, Yusei was looking positively divine to him right now. Judai had never thought himself to be the type, but he was drinking in the sight of those lean-muscled, strong-looking arms and Yusei like he was his only water in the middle of the desert.

It felt like that, at least - it was still blazing hot and that uncomfortable heat was the only reason he wasn't all over his ridiculously sexy boyfriend at the moment. He was half-convinced his brain was starting to fry too, from the thoughts he was having.

"How in the world are you able to think right now, let alone sort through our decks and strategize?" Judai asked in slight amazement, openly staring at the other and not caring in the slightest about the raised eyebrow he got in response.

"...Are you okay?" Yusei asked in return, setting down the cards in his hand to look at him carefully, "Do you need an ice pack or something?"

"That sounds fuckin' amazing, yeah."

"Alright, be right back then."

An absolute angel, Judai thought watching him leave before turning his head back towards the fan with a sigh. The blasting air helped his face cool down a lot, but it wasn't doing much in the end for the rest of his body.

"If I recall correctly, this is why you never stayed in the desert longer than you needed to," Yubel mused to him, very amused by his misery at the moment.

You two are just lucky you have the option of not feeling how awful this heat is, he retorted, glaring into the middle of the fan blades with a slight pout.

Yusei returned then bearing a wrapped bag of ice along with a glass of water, and Judai nearly wanted to cry again in relief as he took both of them and sat up slightly so he could drink.

"Thank you so much," he said, quickly putting the ice pack on his head for now and moving the fan so that it was hitting his body instead of his face. As he drank the water, Yusei smiled a little and pat his head through the bag of ice; to Judai's amusement, he noted that his eyes lit up slightly when he did so, his hand pressing a bit harder as if to soak up the nice, cool feeling it had.

Not so amusing though was when Yusei went straight back to sorting through their decks without having done anything to help save himself from the heat, even just a little bit. Had he even drank anything today other than coffee at breakfast? Judai was pretty sure he hadn't, and that wasn't a good thing with this weather.

"You gearhead, go get yourself some water. You haven't drank anything since breakfast," Judai reminded him, feeling a little exasperated but more worried than anything else. He'd seen and heard from other people about heat exhaustion and he wasn't about to let Yusei accidentally do that to himself.

Yusei paused, blinking at him at the sudden revelation, "Oh, you're right. I haven't, have I? Thanks for the reminder."

"No problem, just hurry and go drink some or you're going to get dehydrated from all that sweating you're doing."

"You're sweating more than me."

Judai just groaned and waved him off, causing Yusei to chuckle at him before he went off to go grab a couple glasses of water. Damn it, they both needed to get shorts of some type - all they had were pants and they were restrictive and terrible in this weather.

He buried his face into the bag of ice once his thoughts wandered off to Yusei in short-shorts, desperately hoping that the biting chill of the ice would help him keep his thoughts in order and not on things that would only make him feel hotter.

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