Planning Out The Day

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Waking up the next morning was even better than it had been the day before, but only because they were actually in a warm bed this time instead of being on a couch. Yusei was the first up, like he'd been the day before, but this time he didn't hesitate to bring a hand up and fiddle with the other's hair lightly, which earned him a mumble from Judai as he unconsciously curled closer towards him.

It was very relaxing, and he couldn't help but feel slightly like he was floating despite how calm he felt at the moment. He turned his gaze for a moment over to the small window in his room, noting that there was only a tiny shred of light shining through the curtains; looking over at the clock confirmed that it was still very early in the morning, which made sense considering how they'd gone to sleep early in the first place.

He didn't have to wait too long for the brown-haired male to wake up, and he watched amusedly at how the other grumbled and buried his head under Yusei's.

"Why is it already morning...?" Judai mumbled, his words coming out muffled besides Yusei's head. Yusei laughed slightly as he held him a bit tighter.

"It's not just morning, it's very early morning," he replied, eliciting another groan from Judai.

"Can we just sleep more?" Judai asked, pulling back slightly so he could blink blearily at Yusei. It was quite adorable, and Yusei found himself tugging him into a lazy kiss. He grinned at how Judai perked up at that, making a little noise of surprise before suddenly finding the strength to move his limbs so he could get a better grip on him. Yusei wasn't surprised when the other quickly moved so he was on top of him, and when they pulled apart, grinning with a happy glint in his eyes.

"If I'm like a cat, then you're like a fox," Yusei mused, tilting his head slightly with a fond smile as he looked up at him.

Judai leaned down closer, his hair tickling Yusei's face as he questioned, "And why's that?"

"You're easily excitable, and you're quite playful," he answered, reaching up to tug at both sides of his face, "That, and you get these looks all the time when you're enjoying something that can only be described as 'foxy', like the grin you're giving me right now." Judai frowned playfully in response to the cheek pulling, which only further added to his point.

"I guess that's better than being called a dog, I've been compared to one before."

"They just didn't know you well enough, then."

Judai escaped his grasp, sitting up and back onto his hands before looking over at the clock on the wall.

"It really is early, isn't it?" He said, moving to the side off of Yusei's legs so he could sit up as well. Yusei nodded, stretching lazily and humming when he felt some bones pop. "What are your plans for the day?"

"Don't really have any, was just going to work more," he replied, "Though if you want to do something then we can do that, it's not really important for me to get done today."

"Huh... then do you mind if we go to another arcade? It's a different one, and it's more game-focused than prize-focused like the one you went to with Haou. I wanna see all the new stuff that's been made! Rhythm games, duel-based games, there's bound to be some interesting ones with all this technology."

"I don't mind. We should leave early by the way, we can just grab food somewhere on the way."

"Eh? Why?"

Yusei stared deadpan at him, "I'd rather give the other two living here some more time to cool down than be at their mercy again."

The grimace and serious nod he got in response was quickly matched by his own, though they couldn't hold each others' eyes for more than two seconds before they broke down into soft laughter.

"Alright, you go get ready first, give me the name and I'll figure out where I'm going in the mean time," Yusei said, pulling his laptop over from the side table.

"Mmk, sounds good to me. It's called the Neo Domino Pixel Arcade- oh! While we're there, I think there's a place near there where there's supposed to be good breakfast pastries. I can't remember the name though, just that it's close by," Judai responded, giving Yusei another peck on the lips before he wandered off to go get ready. Yusei smiled at that, getting to work on finding the place while also doing a bit of extra research on the side on if there was anything else that they needed to know - after all, the mechanical knowledge of arcade games had helped him before, so it would probably help him again, even if the games were going to be significantly more skill-based.

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