Rainy Day

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It was a rainy day for once in Neo Domino, and because of this and a necessary trip to the grocery store for hot chocolate (well, 'necessary' according to Judai, Yusei wasn't going to argue with him on these matters anymore) they realized something that they really should've thought about days ago.

Judai only had a single spare set of clothes and nothing else, which was fine when he was travelling around but not so fine now that he was settled down in a single place. Winter and spring were cold in the city and the old duel academy jacket he had simply wasn't going to cut it. That, and he seriously needed some more of everything so that he wasn't doing laundry every other day; it took up a lot of time for such a small bundle of clothing.

"Well, you can just borrow some of mine for now," Yusei mused, tilting his head slightly in thought, "they'll be baggy on you considering you're a solid ten centimeters shorter than me, but everyone in this apartment is at least ten centimeters taller than you regardless... that and it's raining, so you'll be covered up by a jacket anyway."

Judai pouted at the comments about his height and Yusei was highly amused, hiding a smile when he went into his room to find something for him to wear. To be honest, he didn't too many clothes either, but at least he had a full drawer of them and a couple jackets to choose from for variety. Almost every shirt was black or blue and the jackets were the same, though he made sure to grab the single maroon jacket he owned for Judai - it was the closest thing he had to red clothing and was a heavy-duty winter jacket anyway with a fluffy hood, so it was perfect for the occasion. Plus, he never wore it anyway, so Judai could just keep it.

Going back out to the living room, he tossed the bundle of clothes at Judai, who barely managed to catch them in time.

"I made sure to get you a long-sleeved shirt so you don't freeze, you don't exactly have much muscle on you," Yusei said, biting back a smile at the face Judai made as he clearly fought between being touched by the gesture and flustered by the teasing. He ended up huffing and biting out a quick thanks before going into Yusei's room to change.

A minute later when the door opened back up, Yusei's mind screeched to a halt, any and all thoughts lost to the sight of Judai dwarfed by a jacket and sporting a black shirt with the red logo he usually wears, the fur on the hood framing his head.

He thinks that maybe he should've thought about this before giving Judai his clothes, but as they say, hindsight is twenty-twenty; all he could think about for those first five seconds was how adorable the shorter boy looked wearing his clothes and how much he wanted to hug the fluffy bundle of cuteness he was suddenly confronted with.

"D-Do I look okay?" Judai asked, a slight pink filling his cheeks as he clearly noticed Yusei staring at him. The stutter and the blush didn't help Yusei in the slightest, as it made Judai an even cuter sight to him at the moment.

"You look perfectly fine," Yusei replied, thanking the stars above that he managed to keep his voice normal. He got up quickly, using those precious few moments to look away and compose himself before looking back at Judai with a smile. He slipped on his own jacket before heading towards the door and holding it open.

"Shall we go, then?"

A still slightly-flustered Judai nodded and walked over to him, a small smile lighting up his face at the reassuring pat on the shoulder Yusei gave him as they went out the door.

Neither ever noticed that Jack's door was propped open just enough for a camera to have full view of the event that had occurred. The blonde behind the door had only barely managed to keep himself from snickering and giving himself away, a shit-eating grin spread across his face as he sent the photos to Crow.

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